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三星申请双屏下摄像头专利:支持人脸识别 遗憾的是没有更广泛搭载

2022-09-25 10:53来源:VOA在线

  On September 25, it was reported that Samsung may be developing an offline face recognition system, including two offline cameras.

  Samsung submitted a patent application to KIPRIS (Korean Intellectual Property Information Service) as early as March 2021. This document was published last week and included in a Dutch publication.

  According to the patent introduction, this method obtains multiple images of the user from two angles to better build a 3D model of the face and use it for authentication. However, Samsung specifically mentioned the use of an off screen camera.

  IT Home has learned that, so far, Samsung has only tested the off screen camera on its Galaxy Z Bold product line, but has not carried it more widely.

  According to the patent, it may be necessary to place a camera near the bottom of the phone, close to the location of the fingerprint under the screen, or even combine the two into an optical module.

  In addition, the patent mentions the measurement of the pupil size. The human pupil size will change according to the lighting conditions, which is expected to be used as an additional security measure to prevent the use of photos or masks to deceive face recognition.

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