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2022-09-25 21:00来源:VOA在线

  As the semiconductor process continues to move towards single digit nano nodes, advanced materials play an indispensable role in it due to their impact on process yield and product stability. Recently, according to Taiwan media reports, SEMI estimated that the market size of semiconductor materials is expected to exceed 70 billion dollars in 2023.

  Chen Mingde, chairman of SEMI Materials Committee and director of TSMC, said that the most priority common goal of the semiconductor industry at this stage is to give consideration to sustainable development while continuously moving towards advanced manufacturing processes through innovative materials. TSMC attaches great importance to the impact of material quality on the yield of advanced manufacturing processes. Last year, TSMC built Taiwan's first advanced material analysis center to check the evaluation and selection of materials for advanced manufacturing processes and system integration chips, continue to optimize the yield of manufacturing processes, and expand to the world with Taiwan as the center, and continue to promote the sustainable development of the global industry.

  Cao Shilun, SEMI's global marketing director and president of Taiwan, said that strategic materials are closely related to the sustainable development of semiconductors, which is also the key to maintaining the leading competitive advantage in the industry today. In view of the application prospect of semiconductor materials, according to the SEMI report, the semiconductor material market is expected to grow by 8.6% in 2022, hitting a new high of $69.8 billion in market size, of which the wafer material market will grow by 11.5% to $45.1 billion, and the packaging material market is expected to grow by 3.9% to $24.8 billion. By 2023, the overall material market size is expected to exceed 70 billion dollars.

  He Jun, deputy general manager of TSMC's quality and reliability, pointed out: "Facing the increasingly narrow linewidth of chips and the increasing difficulty in breaking Moore's Law, in order to continue to meet the challenge of doubling the number of transistors per unit area, relying on packaging technology, system integration and even the innovation and research and development of materials are important factors in promoting the sustainable development of advanced technologies.

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