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涉嫌规避苹果隐私规定 Facebook和Instagram面临集体诉讼

2022-09-23 09:16来源:VOA在线

  On the morning of September 23, Beijing time, it was reported that after Meta's Facebook and Instagram applications were exposed to tracking users across websites, two class actions had been submitted to the court, accusing the company of violating Apple's "Application Tracking Transparency" policy and relevant laws.

  It is reported that Meta has come up with an expedient to bypass Apple's privacy policy: insert tracking code into the website when users use the browser built into their application. In this way, whether users provide authorization for Meta's applications or not, they can monitor users' activities.

  Apple introduced the "Application Tracking Transparency" policy when it launched the iOS 14.5 update in April 2021. This technology can prohibit applications from tracking users, and users must obtain explicit permission to track. Meta has always opposed this. The company encouraged users to allow it to track, and even warned that this policy could reduce its advertising revenue by $10 billion this year.
  苹果在2021年4月推出iOS 14.5更新时出台了《应用追踪透明度》政策。这项技术可以禁止应用追踪用户,并且必须获得用户的明确许可才能进行追踪。Meta之前一直对此表示反对。该公司鼓励用户允许其进行追踪,甚至警告称,这项政策可能导致其今年的广告收入减少100亿美元。

  Meta refuted this allegation in a statement. The company said that the two lawsuits were "unfounded" and that they would actively defend. Meta also said that its in app browsers respect privacy decisions, including those related to advertising.

  The court may not be able to grant the class action qualification for these two lawsuits, but if this qualification is approved, it can apply for compensation for many users at the same time. However, whether or not they win the lawsuit, these lawsuits fully demonstrate the conflict between Meta, Apple and privacy advocates. Despite criticism and opposition from competitors, Meta is still committed to protecting the targeted advertising business that promotes its business growth.

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