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消息称富士康拆除iPhone 14生产线 官方回应:不是减产而是升级

2022-09-25 14:45来源:VOA在线

  Not only unexpected, but also reasonable. The iPhone 14, which lacks innovation and change, may become the worst selling iPhone, which puts Apple's inventory clearing plan on hold.


  It is reported that Zhengzhou Foxconn has dismantled part of the production line of iPhone 14 due to the fact that the sales volume of iPhone 14 has not reached the expected level. According to Foxconn insiders, some iPhone 14 production lines were upgraded to produce iPhone 14 Pro series models, which did not have much impact on production.

  It is understood that Foxconn's Zhengzhou plant did not enter the production period of the iPhone 14 series until August this year, and the production line was dismantled in only two or three weeks.

  Previously, Guo Mingxuan said on the social platform that Apple asked Hon Hai (Foxconn) to convert the production line of iPhone 14 to the production line of iPhone 14 Pro series, which will help improve Apple's product portfolio and average iPhone selling price in the fourth quarter of this year.

  In the second half of this year, after the conversion of the production line, iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max will account for 60% – 65% of the overall series shipment (previously estimated to be 55% – 60%). Among them, the iPhone 14 Pro Max has become the most popular model of the iPhone 14 series.

  According to an analysis, the iPhone 14 is not innovative and has little difference from the previous two generations. It is even better to buy the old iPhone 13. Compared with the upgrade of the 13th generation, the standard version of the iPhone 14 is negligible and has no change in appearance. Even the chip directly follows the A15 of the previous generation. More importantly, the price has also increased. In addition to the 128GB version, which remains unchanged from 5999 yuan, the 256GB version has increased by 100 yuan to 6899 yuan, and the 512GB version has increased by 300 yuan to 8699 yuan.

  It is hard to believe that this is a flagship mobile phone of the next generation in 2022, so the iPhone 14 has almost become the worst selling model in history.

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