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理想在上海投资10亿设立汽车服务公司 法定代表人为刘杰

2022-09-22 21:01来源:VOA在线

  On September 22, VOA online learned that, according to the information displayed by the enterprise check app, Ideal Auto recently established a new auto service company in Shanghai. Moreover, the registered capital of this company has reached 1 billion yuan. In the future, this company may occupy a high position in the commercial territory of the ideal car.


  According to the information of enterprise check app, Beijing Ideal Automobile Co., Ltd. has added an investment enterprise, Ideal Intelligent Manufacturing Automobile Service (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., with an investment ratio of 100%. Information shows that this company was established in September 2022, with Liu Jie as its legal representative and a registered capital of 1 billion yuan. At the same time, Shen Yanan is the executive director and Feng Liwei is the supervisor of this company. In addition, this company belongs to the retail industry, and its business scope includes manufacturing new energy vehicles, business agency services, motorcycle and parts wholesale, tram sales, Internet sales, insurance industry and agency business, etc.

  As one of the leading enterprises in the domestic new energy automobile industry, the ideal investment of 1 billion yuan to establish an automobile service company may mean that it will invest heavily in this area, thus driving the growth of the ideal automobile market. It is reported that in August 2022, Ideals delivered 4571 vehicles, and this year, more than 75000 vehicles have been delivered.

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