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跑车制造商路特科技子公司完成新一轮融资 估值45亿美元

2022-09-22 17:45来源:VOA在线

  On September 22, it was reported by foreign media that Lutes Technology, a technology company under the sports car manufacturer Lutes Group, said it had completed the latest round of financing, with a business valuation of $45 billion.

  Lutes Technology said that it would use the raised funds for product innovation and development of global distribution network. In 2021, foreign media reported that Lutes Technology hopes to raise $400 million to $500 million by the end of the year, and the estimated value after financing will be $5 billion to $6 billion. On September 21, Lutes Technology confirmed that the same round of financing was completed, but did not disclose the amount of financing and the investors involved.

  Lutes described it as a "global 'intelligent technology' subsidiary, which has enhanced the brand DNA and technology accumulated by Lotus since its establishment 73 years ago". Its role is to accelerate innovation in battery, energy management, electric vehicles and other fields, including motors, electronic control systems, intelligent driving, intelligent manufacturing, etc.

  It is reported that Lutes plans to start production of its first electric SUV at the end of this year, and start delivery at the beginning of 2023.




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