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日本研究用4 微米半机械蟑螂搜寻地震幸存者,比小型机器人更好用

2022-09-22 17:41来源:VOA在线

  On September 22, Reuters reported that if an earthquake occurs in the future, survivors will be trapped under tons of rubble, and groups of semi mechanical cockroaches may be the first to find them.

  This is a potential application of a breakthrough recently made by Japanese researchers. They demonstrated the ability to install the "backpack" of solar cells and electronic devices on cockroaches and control their movements through remote control.

  Kenjiro Fukuda and his team from the film equipment laboratory of Riken Company in Japan developed a flexible solar cell film with a thickness of 4 microns, about 1/25 the width of human hair, which can be installed on the abdomen of cockroaches. The film allows cockroaches to move freely, while solar cells generate enough power to process signals and send direction signals to the sensory organs of the cockroaches' hind legs.

  This work is based on the previous cockroach control experiment of Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, and may one day create a mechanized cockroach that can enter dangerous areas more effectively than robots.

  Fukuda said: "The battery inside the small robot runs out quickly, so the exploration time is very short. One of the key advantages of (semi mechanical cockroaches) is that cockroaches make themselves move, so they need far less power."

  Fukuda and his team chose Madagascar hissing cockroaches for experiments because they are large enough to carry equipment and have no wings that would interfere with work. Even if the backpack and film are stuck on their backs, these insects can pass through small obstacles.

  This research still has a long way to go. In a recent demonstration, Riken researcher Yujiro Kakei used a special computer and wireless Bluetooth signal to tell the mechanical cockroach to turn left, but it just ran in this general direction. But when the signal to turn right was given, the cockroach turned in a circle.

  The next challenge is to miniaturize the components so that cockroaches can move more easily and allow for the installation of sensors and even cameras.

  In addition to the relief cockroaches, Fukuda believes that the solar cell film is also widely used in other areas, which is composed of micro layers of plastic, silver and gold. The film can be embedded in clothing or skin patches to monitor vital signs. For example, on a sunny day, a solar umbrella covered with this material can generate enough electricity to charge a mobile phone.


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