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2022-09-22 14:16来源:VOA在线

  A woman who lost one leg to cancer is seeking to break a world record by completing 102 marathon-length runs in 102 days.A marathon is a race that goes 42 kilometers.

  Jacky Hunt-Broersma, who lives in the western American state of Arizona, set her goal in mid-January.And every day since then, she has been running the distance of a marathon.

  Most of the time, she runs on roads and trails near her home in Gilbert, Arizona.Sometimes she completes her runs on a running machine called a treadmill.Hunt-Broersma averages just over five hours to complete the runs.

  If she keeps successfully completing marathon-length runs every day, she will reach her goal by April 28.She would then hold the world record for completing 102 back-to-back marathon runs.

  The current world record of 101 marathons was set April 10 by British runner Kate Jayden.The 35-year-old Jayden does not have a disability.

  Hunt-Broersma, a native of South Africa, lost the bottom half of her left leg to a rare form of cancer in 2001."The biggest struggle was accepting that part of my body was gone," she told The Associated Press.

  Hunt-Broersma said that until five years ago, she was not very active.But then she looked into running and decided to give it a try.The sport ended up being quite costly.Currently, she runs on a prosthetic leg made out of a strong, light material known as carbon fiber.The carbon fiber blade she uses, which is designed specifically for running, costs about $10,000.

  But Hunt-Broersma says her investment has been well worth it."Running really changed my life," she said."It helped me accept myself as an amputee.It gave me a sense of freedom.I fell in love with the process of pushing my body further just to see what I could do."

  However, she has faced both physical and mental difficulties during her record-breaking attempt.On one recent day, Hunt-Broersma said she felt near collapse at 24 kilometers and began to cry.In that moment, she felt like her planned goal might not happen at all.

  "I had a total emotional breakdown.I was like, ‘I just cant do this. What was I thinking?" she said."The trick for me is just to break it down into little goals, she added.

  One of her recent runs was the world-famous Boston Marathon in Boston, Massachusetts.She finished that race, held April 18, with a time of 5 hours, 5 minutes.

  Hunt-Broersmas main support team is her husband and their two young children.She is documenting her progress online and has also gained a large social media following.

  As she nears the end of her goal, Hunt-Broersma is hoping to inspire a single thought in others, regardless of their own physical limitations.She tells people, "Youre stronger than you think — and youre capable of so much more."















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