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荣耀X40今日发售 辨识度拉满,屏幕质感堪称千元机顶流

2022-09-23 09:01来源:VOA在线

  It was reported on September 23 that at 10:08 this morning, the Glory X40 will be officially launched through all channels.

  As the latest heavy model launched by Glory, the X40 has aroused extensive discussion since its release. The appearance of this mobile phone is highly recognizable. The rear lens module of the new "Full Moon Star Ring Design" is equipped with beautiful color matching such as Caiyun Chasing the Moon, Amber Starlight, Jet Turquoise and Fantasy Night Darkness, making it not only recognizable, but also full of texture when held in the hand.

  As a 1000 yuan machine, the Glory X40 has excellent configuration beyond its selling price. A 6.67-inch OLED curved screen is selected on the front of the fuselage, which supports 1.07 billion colors and 120Hz refresh rate. It is even equipped with the flagship 1920Hz PWM high-frequency dimming, which supports off screen display and off screen fingerprint. Such an excellent screen is extremely rare even in the price range of 3000 yuan, let alone in the price range of 1000 yuan.

  In addition, in terms of the endurance that everyone cares about, the Glory X40 is equipped with a 5100mAh battery, which supports 40W super fast charging. After charging for half an hour, you can brush 9 hours of short videos. It is worth noting that the new machine uses a long-life battery. After 1000 cycles, more than 80% of the power remains, making it more durable. In addition, the fuselage is only 7.9mm thick and weighs 172g, which is very thin.

  With such excellent configuration, the price of this mobile phone is extremely user-friendly. The 6GB+128GB version sells for 1499 yuan, the 8GB+128GB version sells for 1699 yuan, the 8GB+256GB version sells for 1999 yuan, and the 12GB+256GB version sells for 2299 yuan.

  On the whole, this mobile phone is very good. Don't miss it if you want to change it in the near future!

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