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飞行汽车公司Kitty Hawk倒闭 与波音的合资企业Wisk Aero不受影响

2022-09-22 21:14来源:VOA在线

  According to VOA Online, recently, Kitty Hawk, a flying car company invested by Larry Page, one of the founders of Google, officially declared bankruptcy.

  Kitty Hawk was founded in 2010 and invested by Larry Page for a long time. The company decided to cancel the Flyer flying car project developed earlier in 2020, and shifted its development direction to the introduction of all electric operation. It emphasized that after the Heavide, which produces lower noise than the existing helicopters during vertical takeoff and landing and flight, it began to go downhill.

  The reasons include the conflict between Damon Vander Lind, the chief engineer, and Sebastian Thrun, the CEO of Larry Page and Kitty Hawk, which eventually led to several resignations, and the subsequent dismissal of 70 employees. However, the main factor is that Kitty Hawk has always failed to find a normal way to make profits, which ultimately led to the closure of Kitty Hawk.

  However, Kitty Hawk previously established Wisk Aero, a joint venture with Boeing, and Cora, a flying car project built for two people to ride, has not been affected by the collapse of Kitty Hawk.

  Flying car is a concept full of sense of science and technology. At present, many car factories are developing related technologies. The collapse of Kitty Hawk does not mean that the flying car has failed. I believe that other manufacturers will bring us real flying cars in mass production in the future.

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