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CNN Students News - Nov 18,2014

2014-11-18 07:29来源:未知


CARL AZUZ, CNN ANCHOR: Hope you had a great weekend. And thank you for starting a new week with CNN STUDENT NEWS. I`m Carl Azuz.

First up, Australia, the country and continent just wrapped up hosting the G-20 summit. G-20 is short for group of 20. It`s membership includes the

biggest advanced and emerging economies in the world. Its delegates represent two thirds of the world`s population, and 85 percent of its gross

domestic product. That factors in in an agreement made at this year`s G- 20. The thousands of delegates attending pledged to try to improve the global economy. How? By spending money. Governments investing in new

projects for their countries.

The leaders hope to create millions of jobs by doing it, but an agreement is not the same as action. So, it remains to be seen if everyone follows


From the South Pacific, we are moving to Mexico. This is a country that has struggled with corruption in its government judges and police. In the

city of Iguala the mayor has been charged as the probable mastermind in the disappearance of 43 students. They joined the political protest and were

captured by police on September 26. No sign of them since. Authorities say police turned them over to a gang that later killed them. Some don`t

believe it.


ROSA FLORES, CNN CORRESPONDENT: In Guerrero, they are known for some of the most explosive demonstrations.

The fire department has just arrived, but guess what? Not only are the cars burning, but the inside of the building is also burning.

All this in support of the search for 43 missing students. Lunging at police. A CNN camera catches protesters taking an officer captive during a

tag of war over a bridge. He was later released. The protesters are members of a teachers` union from all over the southern Mexican state of


When night falls, a stark contrast.

Soft spoken people enjoying time with friends and family. The protesters granted CNN rare access inside their tent city in the main square of

Guerrero`s capital. They shut down city hall and moved in days after the 43 students were missing. It`s been more than a month.

The announcement more than a week ago by Mexico`s attorney general let three drug gang members confess to killing the students only made the

protesters more angry.

To date, no DNA evidence has been presented. They don`t plan to go anywhere until the students are found. Even raising their own flag in the

city square.


AZUZ: Cold weather, it`s about to blast the U.S. again from the plain states to the southeast. It will mean colder than normal temperatures

until this weekend. We`ve defined a lot of related terms lately. Bomb cyclone, polar vortex, jet stream. Here`s another factor that`s blocking

things up.


CHAD MYERS, CNN METEOROLOGIST: You see the Greek letter Omega on fraternities, sororities. We use the word Omega a lot. But what in

weather is an Omega block? If temperatures are normal all over the country, it`s called zonal flow. The jet stream way up in the sky, 35-

40,000 feet, go straight across the country. That`s when everyone`s normal.

There`s not many normal days. When you get a block in the atmosphere, it`s like a road block, it`s like having to drive around something. And this

road block we call the Omega block because it looks like the Greek letter Omega. It`s when the jet stream wants to go straight across, but has to

get turned hard and up to the north, and then back down to the south. And when that happens, it can stay there for weeks. And that`s the rub. It

doesn`t move.

Typically, Omega blocs don`t create blizzards. They create cold outbreaks. If you are under the Omega block, you are going to be very warm. It just

depends on where you are in that shape.

A lot of weather patterns get blamed on climate change. This is not part of climate change. This is a block in the atmosphere that happens all the

time. It`s been happening for thousands of years.

And typically, as the jet stream moves across the country, either from West to East or where you live, you will see that the weather changes. It gets

warm, it gets cold, it gets warm, it gets cold. But when this block happens right in the middle of the country, any country that`s when the

weather doesn`t change. You can be 105. So you have to protect your crops, you have to protect yourself. Make sure you drink a lot of water.

Or you can be 25 degrees below zero. And you have to make sure that you are protected, the pets are protected. Check on the elderly. Make sure

your phone is working (INAUDIBLE


AZUZ: If you are planning to take the SAT or any advanced placement, AP classes, you`ll be studying in curriculum, determined by the College Board.

It`s a non-profit group whose goals include preparing U.S. high school students for college.

It`s made some changes to its AP U.S. history curriculum, which critics say focus too much on social controversies and the dark side of American

history, and not enough on positive aspects of it.

For instance, it doesn`t mention people like Ben Franklin and Martin Luther King Jr. Supporters of this changes say they are not telling kids what to

think or teaches what to teach. Sara Ganim explores the conversations taking place at local school boards across the U.S.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Watch me, OK, because we are going to get ready for activity today.

SARA GANIM, CNN CORRESPONDENT: American history is full of pitched battles, far over ideas and freedoms and actions.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I love how enthusiastic you are about learning, because the material I`m having you read is really challenging you guys in

the best kind of way.

GANIM: A new framework introduced by the College Board for teaching AP U.S. history is causing controversy across the country, spurred by

conservatives who fear it doesn`t promote patriotism.

In Jefferson County, Colorado the course is under attack by some members of the school board. They feel it doesn`t emphasize key parts of American

history like the Founding Fathers and religious influences.

KEN WITT, OPPOSES NEW FRAMEWORK: You know, there`s a national dialogue around AP U.S. history, and a lot of concerns have been raised about the

balance in that new curriculum.


GANIM: Teachers like Stephanie Rossi (ph) say the College Board framework is just that, a framework. It doesn`t dictate everything taught. And she

says teachers would never ignore history.

Objections to the College Board`s new framework first showed up in a conservative group Op-Ed. It caught the attention of the Texas State

school board and the wording from a resolution there was copied to a RNC talking points memo. It reads "the framework presents a biased and

inaccurate view of many important events in American history." Those exact words made their way into school board resolutions in North Carolina and


Also, criticizing the new framework and when Jefferson County, Colorado school board picked up the issue, one member proposed that teaching

materials "promote citizenship, patriotism and respect for authority."

In Jefferson County, students protested, accusing the school board of censorship. The College Board also responded firmly, saying "content such

as the Founding Fathers and the civil rights movement is considered essential." "In the face of these attacks, AP teachers and students, our

member institutions, and the American people can rest assured: the College Board will not compromise the integrity of the Advanced Placement Program."

JILL FELLMAN, FAVORS NEW FRAMEWORK: In my opinion, we have to teach the good, the bad, the ugly. We need to make sure that our kids understand

what it means to be an American.

WITT: We were elected by significant margins because Jefferson County has a population that believes that reform in education is needed.

GANIM: The conservatives prevailed and a committee is being formed to review AP U.S. history.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Be it therefore ordered and enacted .

GANIM: In Stephani Rossi`s class, the real lesson for students this year may be in civics as much as in AP U.S. history. Sara Ganim, CNN, Golden,



AZUZ: On Friday`s transcript page at cnnstudentnews.com here are three of the schools that requested a mention on our show: in the grain (ph) state

we`ve got the rip tides washing - I mean watching from Rye New Hampshire, Rye Junior High School. It`s only natural to call it the natural state

next Des Arc Arkansas. It`s home for the Eagle at Des Arc High School. And nearby in the Sunflower State of Kansas at Washburn Rural High School,

how about the Junior Blues? They are online at Washburn Rural High School.

Some Guinness world records are hilarious. They don`t just certify the fastest 100 meter hurdles, they do it for someone wearing swim fins. Well,

this certainly fits them all: the fastest 100 meters on all fours. Doesn`t look as cool as when animals do it.

High school records for this sprint on two feet hover around ten seconds. On four, the Guinness world record was set at 15.86 seconds, but there`s no

clock on the silliness scale.

Four reasons why that was great: took a combo, a fancy footwork and handy- handy work. The competition has serious legs. It was four on the floor, all hands on deck. And no matter who won, it was the fittest, yo. Got to

give him a hand.

I`m Carl Azuz at CNN STUDENT NEWS. We`ve got to run.

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