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CNN Student News - August 18, 2014

2014-08-20 23:36来源:未知



CARL AZUZ, CNN ANCHOR: Thank you for taking ten minutes for commercial free current events. This is CNN STUDENT NEWS. I`m Carl Azuz, and I`m

glad to see you.

We are kicking off the second week of our 2014-2015 coverage. And we are starting in Iraq. There was a battle going on as we put this show

together. On one side, a terrorist group named ISIS that`s trying to take control of Iraq, on the other - Kurdish forces representing a group of

people who live in northern Iraq. They are supported by U.S. military air strikes, and at the center of this battle, a dam near the Iraqi city of

Mosul. It`s Iraq`s largest hydroelectric dam, it`s on the Tigris River, and it`s strategically important because ISIS extremists took control of it

earlier this month. If the dam would have failed, experts say it could cause catastrophic flooding all the way to the Iraqi capital of Baghdad.

We are going to spin the globe now to take you to South Korea. That`s where Pope Francis, the leader of the Roman Catholic Church spent the

weekend. It was the papal visit to South Korea in a quarter of a century. Roman Catholicism is the world`s largest denomination of Christianity. But

that`s not the case among South Koreans. Most Christians there are protestant. The pope did speak to thousands of the country`s young

Catholics, though, he held a mass for Asian Youth Day and encouraged the faithful to live a simple and humble life. Pope Francis also held a mass

to address peace and reconciliation. The Korean Peninsula is divided. The armistice that ended the fighting in 1953 never officially ended the Korean

War. And North Korea fired missiles into the ocean just before the pope arrived on the peninsula. So, the pope`s prayers included peaceful

relations between North and South Koreans.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Breaking away from his prepared speech on Friday, he delighted the young crowd.

POPE FRANCIS: Are you ready to say yes? Are you ready?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This is why Pope Francis came to South Korea. Only about ten percent of the population is Catholic, but the church is growing

fast. And across Asia, the congregation is young. Surrounding himself with Asian youth, there was, of course, the inevitable selfie, which the

Pontiff didn`t seem to mind. His transport from the airport, a Kia hatchback, it had to be South Korean. The next day, another Kia, modified

into a Pope Mobil, though the open top end and the wind proved a tricky combination.

POPE FRANCIS: May the Lord welcome the dead into his peace .

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He offered words of sympathy and hope for the parents of schoolchildren killed in South Korea`s recent ferry sinking and for

those who survived.

Pope Francis is making speeches in English on this trip for the first time. Officials say he`s been practicing so he can reach more people. He called

for peace and reunification for the two Koreas.


AZUZ: From the Far East, we are jumping over to the central U.S. where St. Louis, Missouri suburb was under curfew last night.

Things in Ferguson have been unstable for more than a week now. On August 9, a white police officer shot and killed an unarmed African American man,

but we don`t know exactly what happened right before that. It looks like there was some sort of scuffle between the officer and 18-year old Michael

Brown. Witnesses say Brown was trying to surrender to police when he was shot. Police say Brown struggled with the officer and reached for his gun.

Protests began after the shooting, some of them have involved violence, looting, the burning of a convenient store. Last night`s curfew was

scheduled from midnight to 5 a.m. It wasn`t the first one in recent days, but it had the same goal, aimed at helping restore calm to the troubled


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Time for "The Shoutout." Cambria, Magneto and Papyrus are all examples of what? If you think you know it, shout it out. Are

they all plants, wheels, fonts or engine components? You`ve got three seconds, go!

Individually, the words all mean something different, but you can find them together on the list of fonts. That`s your answer and that`s your


AZUZ: It would have been easier if we`d gone with Aerial or Times New Roman. Harder if we`d gone with Chavez Pro. That recently invented font

is how some supporters are remembering former Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. The controversial leader, a self-declared socialist died of cancer

in early 2013. On what would have been his 60th birthday, a new type of tribute was introduced.


FAREED ZAKARIA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: A new font, Chavez pro was unveiled during birthday celebrations. The font mimics the commandante`s clear,

bold block handwriting style. It`s a neat idea. If you`re shooting for the history books, you may not be able to get your face on a coin or

dollar, but you might be able to get your handwriting in a typeface. We thought we tried out a few fonts of our own: the Secret Service might have

something to say about Barack Obama oblique. Easy access to the president`s handwriting would surely invite forgeries. It`s a bit hard to

read anyway. Our neighbors to the north might enjoy Steven Harper M.S. It`s immaculate cursive certainly easier on the eyes. If you thought a

font fit for a queen would be even neater, think again. Queen Elizabeth`s distinctive handwriting is even more difficult to decipher, so Times New

Royal is a bust, but I suppose the queen has her face on all the money anyway.


AZUZ: This year, we are selecting "Roll Call Schools" from our transcript pages at cnnstudentnews.com. So you`re welcome to make a new request on

each day`s transcript until your school is called. If you are located in Falcon country, say, Paton, Colorado and you are named Falcon High School,

you know what your mascot ought to be. Next mention goes to Northwest High School in Clarksville, Tennessee. As the request itself stated, let`s go

at that Viking Pride. And I think this is the first time we`ve ever had Cobras as a mascot. They are at Lee Early College in Centford North


You probably haven`t heard of Masdar City. It`s located near the Persian Gulf in the United Arab Emirates, it`s basically this large scale

experiment, a model for the city of the future. But its cost is $18 billion. Its success is uncertain. As Erin Burnett found out on the tour

of Masdar City, part of the project`s value lies in what could be.


ERIN BURNETT, CNN CORRESPONDENT: About 20 miles outside Abu Dhabi, Masdar City is striving to be the greenest city on Earth.

TONY MALLOWS, CITY DIRECTOR: So, I think a city of the future is going to be based on people walking to where they live, to where they work and to

where they play.

BURNETT: And if you aren`t walking, city director Tony Mallows says you can take a magnetically controlled car wherever you need to go.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Welcome to Masdar City.

BURNETT (on camera): This is a little car?

MALLOWS: Yeah, this is personal rapid transit. This is how you get around this city. It`s driveless, it`s electrical and the solar power. It comes

when you want it and it takes you anywhere - you want to go and you leave it alone.

BURNETT: So it`s driveless.


BURNETT (voice over): Navigating the city`s 2.4 square miles is relatively easy.

(On camera): This is a dream of what the future could be, but is it really going to happen? I mean is this going to be anything more than a demo?

MALLOWS: It`s a model for open development that is really sustainable because it`s not only environmentally sustainable, socially and


BURNETT (voice over): Fewer than 500 people live here. That falls far short of the original goal of 40,000 by next year. A goal set at the pick

of the economic boom. Right now, about 1200 people work here every day, in buildings that are specially designed to help produce water and energy

consumption, by as much as 40 percent, according to city officials. With more than 87,000 solar panels, the city produces its own electricity, of

setting 15,000 tons of carbon emissions a year. City engineers say that`s the equivalent of taking about 3,300 cars off the road in Abu Dhabi. And

walking around the city innovation can be seen everywhere.

(on camera): So, you are looking at a wind tower, which is a traditional Arabic designed, cool, right?

MALLOWS: Yes, absolutely. So, you take a traditional Arabic element on cooling, totally pass of energy, totally sustainable. And then you use

modern technology to make it even more efficient.

BURNETT (voice over): The Masdar Institute is also partnered with MIT to develop new renewable energy sources, like making jet field from the seed

of a weed that grows here, in the desert.

(on camera): So, this is obviously happening here.


BURNETT: In the middle of a desert. Your ambition on what you are trying to prove is much bigger.

MALLOWS: Absolutely. I mean globalization is a key issue for the future, not only because cities are going to attack global warming. We have to

understand how to build cities that are low carbon, and that`s why Masdar City is such an important contribution to globalization and urbanization.


AZUZ: At a California hotel, room service is about to be automatic. This thing is named Butler. Get it? When a guest needs something simple, say,

a bottle of water and a toothbrush, for instance, Butler can get the items, roll up to the rooms and make the delivery. The company that makes the

robot won`t say how much it costs, but a hotel rep says it`s not intended to replace people, just enhance customer service. It`s not the fastest

thing you`ve ever seen, but if you accuse room service of being robotic, remote, emotionless, cold-bloodied indifferent, dispassionate or just plain

inhuman, well, it`s hardly an insult. Just remember, that guy is a machine. I`m Carl Azuz and CNN STUDENT NEWS delivers more puns and news



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