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CNN Student News - Aug 15,2014

2014-08-15 10:18来源:未知


CARL AZUZ, CNN ANCHOR: It`s out birthday. Perfect for throwback Thursday. That`s what we looked like when we first launched 25 years ago under the

name CNN Newsroom. It`s not all that`s changed. We`ll have more on our history about nine minutes in the future. I`m Carl Azuz. Today, CNN

STUDENT NEWS coverage starts in Iraq.

We`ve talked about how a terrorist group named ISIS or Islamic State has violently taken over parts of Iraq hoping to establish a government based

on ISIS`s severe interpretation of Islam. Less than three years after the last U.S. combat troops left Iraq, the U.S. government is deploying about

130 Marines and Special Operations forces there. They`ll be working as advisors joining hundreds of other Americans already in Iraq to advise

Iraqi troops. And some experts are warning about something called mission creep. When a military operation unintentionally gets bigger than its

initial mission.


JIM SCIUTTO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Here, the aftermath of a devastating U.S. air strike on ISIS fighters in northern Iraq. The Obama administration

insists attacks from the air like this one, are the limit of America`s combat role in Iraq. But several veteran Iraq commanders we interviewed

say mission creep is inevitable.

COL. PETER MANSOOR (RET.) CNN MILITARY ANALYST: I think this is the first toe in the water, and eventually this administration will have to confront

how to destroy this Islamic state.

SCIUTTO: When you look at the capabilities, or rather the lack of capabilities of the Iraqi military that the U.S. is going to have to be

more involved going forward. Do you think that that`s a reasonable assessment?

MAJ. GEN. JAMES WILLIAMS, U.S. MARINE CORPS. (RET.): You need an organization whether it`s United States or coalition forces to come in and

provide them with professional military advice, and eventually if U.F. forces are not on the ground, I don`t see how we are going to keep ISIS at


SCIUTTO: For now, the administration has defined U.S. objectives very narrowly: one, protect tens of thousands of members of Iraq`s Yazidi

minority from an impending massacre. And two, protect hundreds of American diplomats and military advisers stationed in Irbil and Baghdad.

However, even the Pentagon conceives those goals as strictly defined do not address ISIS itself.

LT. GEN. WILLIAM MAYVILLE JR., DIR. OF OPS FOR THE JOINT CHIEFS: These strikes are unlikely to affect ISIL`s overall capabilities or its

operations in other areas of Iraq and Syria.

SCIUTTO: In fact, since the president first announced U.S. military action last Thursday, the U.S. has already expanded its military support. Sending

weaponry to Kurdish forces and now increasing the number of U.S. military advisors on the ground. Today, Secretary of State John Kerry categorically

ruled out U.S. ground troops, though crucially he set the stage for further military support for Iraq`s new government.

JOHN KERRY, SECRETARY OF STATE: The U.S. does stand ready to fully support a new and inclusive Iraqi government, particularly in its fight against



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Time for "The Shoutout." What celestial object is believed to be created by a collapsed star? You know how this works, if

you think you know it, shout it out! Is it an accretion, black hole, corona or dwarf star? You`ve got three seconds, go.

Scientists believe that when a star collapses, a black hole is created. That`s your answer and that`s your Shoutout.

AZUZ: Scientists can`t see a black hole with a telescope, and for that reason, there are a lot of theories, sometimes contradicting ones about

what exactly black holes are. NASA has a telescope in orbit that`s been hunting for black holes. It`s called Newstar. And what it does is collect

x-rays from a suspected black hole that`s about 324 million light years from Earth. Yes, that`s a long way. This is an artist`s rendering of what

Newstar detected. Scientists believe that areas around supermassive black holes shine brightly in X-rays. So, NASA is saying that is this particular

black hole draws in the light around it, scientists are able to absorb that light through the x-rays collected by Newstar. They are hoping this helps

them better understand and solve the mystery surrounding black holes.

Every day we pick three schools that are watching for our "Roll Call." We get them from each day`s transcript page, so please feel free to make a new

request daily until we call you. Today, we are hailing the Hurricanes of West Harrison High School. Great to see you all in Gulfport, Mississippi.

Rosemary Clarke Middle School, we`ve got the sharks, thank you for watching in Pahrump, Nevada. And across the Pacific, hello to the students of

Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. They are watching in Yongin City, South Korea.

If an old woman could leave in a shoe, than a parking space sounds far more spacious. But when we are talking about a home, that`s only about 130

square feet, smaller than a dorm room at college, it`s not for people seeking ample closet space or a garden. Savanna College of Art and Design

came up with an idea that`s a tight, but sustainable fit.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You have 78 million Millennial. Over 80 percent of them want to leave in center cities. They don`t mind living in smaller

spaces, because they really see their home as just a part of their lifestyle, the city is where they live.

CHRISTIAN SOTTILE, DEAN, SCAD SCHOOL OF BUILDING ARTS: We are returning to urban areas at an unprecedented rate. And we are reexamining how we are

using space in our cities.

We spend the 20th century leaving our cities and in fact, in many cases building parking structures where once building stood. So, what we inherit

today as we head into the 21 century is a lot of structured and our center cities that are overbuilt many times in the best locations. At the same

time, we have these assets in place, and the question is, what do we do with that?

So, scad (ph) pad, six two, ask a question about how we might reinvent, how we might model an immediate strategy for sustainable adaptive reuse?

The greenest building is the one that`s already built. So, in the case of our prototype community we gave each unit one private space for the

scadpad, one courtyard that was adjacent. So, every unit had two parking spaces. Each unit is eight feet by 16 feet. So, 135 square feet. They

are sized to fit into a standard parking space. Each scadpad is built on a mobile platform. So that it can be repositioned anywhere within a parking

structure or can be relocated to any other structure, virtually worldwide. This microhome incorporates all the things that you need for a full

lifestyle, so there`s a sleeping area, a food preparation area, this is small, bathroom with all the services and there`s open space for multiple

scenarios, whether it be dining, or whether it be working, setting up a desk, the onsite 3D printer allows residents to immediately customize the

unit around their individual tastes and needs. That hook that you might want in the kitchen for a particular utensil can just be printed on site

and brought back into your space, positioned anywhere you want. So, every inch of the space was thought of. And that became the departure for the

art and the technology that would then become the next phase of the design process. Each scadpad has a smart glass film applied to all of its

windows. So, if you want privacy, you can just dam the windows. And then when you are ready to look out, the windows are open. So, at the touch of

a button, you can move from a private space to an open space, expanding your sense of envelope outside of the unit out of the city`s skyline

beyond. All that happens, again, at the level of the skin of the building.

An entirely new possibility for a new generation of dwellers.


AZUZ: All right. So we look a little different now than when CNN first launched a commercial free news program for classrooms.



CASSANDRA HENDERSON, CNN ANCHOR: And I`m Cassandra Henderson. Here are some of the stories we have coming up.

Anchors were still awesome, graphics were still awesome. And our mission was the same to bring award winning current events coverage to a student

audience. It`s because of you and especially your teachers that we are celebrating our 25 birthday today. So, thank you for being the most

important part of CNN STUDENT NEWS.

Of course, the puns came a little later, what some of you would call the punishment, and others call punny punchlines. There`s certainly a punusual

tradition for a new show, going without them today would be punthinkable, mainly because they are punstoppable. It helps to be punflappable because

saying them on air is often punfunny. I`m Carl Azuz. I hope to see you tomorrow.

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