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2010-04-17 20:18来源:未知

  NASA said last week that the world was not ending--at least anytime soon. Last year, CERN, the European Center for Nuclear Research, said the same thing, which I guess is good news for those of us who are habitually jittery. How often do you have a pair of such blue-ribbon scientific establishments assuring us that everything is fine?

  美国国家航空航天局上周表示,世界并未走向末日,至少短时间内不会。欧洲核子研究中心去年也曾发表过同样的声明。我想这对我们当中那些动不动就 心神不宁的人来说是个好消息。这类世界一流的科学权威机构双双向我们保证:万事皆安,这种事你多久赶上过一回?


  On the other hand, it is kind of depressing if you were looking forward to taking a vacation from mortgage payments to finance one last blowout.


  CERN's pronouncements were intended to allay concerns that a black hole would be spit out of its new Large Hadron Collider and eat the Earth.


  The announcements by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, in the form of several Web site postings and a video posted on YouTube, were in response to worries that the world will end on Dec. 21, 2012, when a 5,125-year cycle known as the Long Count in the Mayan calendar supposedly comes to a close.
美国国家航空航天局在其官网上发了几次消息,并 在YouTube上发了视频,就是为了回应人们对世界将在2012年12月21日终结的担心。在以“长历法”闻名的玛雅人的历法中,每5125年是一个轮 回,据说在2012年12月21日这天是一个轮回的结束。

  But this is only one version of apocalypse out there. In other variations, a planet named Nibiru crashes into us or the Earth's magnetic field flips.



  There are hundreds of books devoted to 2012, and millions of Web sites, depending on what combination of "2012" and "doomsday" you type into Google.



  All of it, astronomers say, is bunk.


  "Most of what's claimed for 2012 relies on wishful thinking, wild pseudoscientific folly, ignorance of astronomy and a level of paranoia worthy of 'Night of the Living Dead,' " Ed Krupp, director of the Griffith Observatory, in Los Angeles, and an expert on ancient astronomy, wrote in an article in the November issue of Sky & Telescope.
“大多数关于2012年的断言都来自某种臆想,异想天开的伪科学的荒唐,对天文学的无知,或者一定程度的类似《活死人之 夜》的妄想,”洛杉矶里菲斯天文台主任、古天文学专家埃德·克虏伯在11月号的《天空和望远镜》杂志上撰文道。


  But the trend has gone too far, suggested David Morrison, an astronomer at the NASA Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif., who made the YouTube video and is one of the agency's point people on the issue of Mayan prophecies of doom.
但戴维·莫里森认为,这种趋势太过火了,莫里森是英国国家航 空航天局位于加利福尼亚莫非特基地埃姆斯研究中心的一位天文学家,他是航天局里有关玛雅人世界末日预言问题的出头人之一。就是他代表航天局在 YouTube上发布相关视频的。


  "I get angry at the way people are being manipulated and frightened to make money," Dr. Morrison said. "There is no ethical right to frighten children to make a buck."
“我对这种以左右和恐吓观众来赚钱的方法感到愤怒,”莫里森博士说。 “从道义上来讲,没有人有权利用吓唬孩子的方式来赚钱。”


  Dr. Morrison said he had been getting about 20 letters and e-mail messages a day from people as far away as India scared out of their wits. In an e-mail message, he enclosed a sample that included one from a woman wondering if she should kill herself, her daughter and her unborn baby. Another came from a person pondering whether to put her dog to sleep to avoid suffering in 2012.
莫里森博士说,他曾一天收到大约20封信和电子邮件,这些信息有的来自 遥远的印度,都是些被吓得魂不附体的人发来的。莫里森举例说,在一封电子邮件里,一名妇女正在犹豫是否应该杀死她的女儿和尚未出生的孩子,然后自杀。在另 外一封信中,一名女子正在考虑是否让她的够安乐死,以避免在2012年遭劫。


  If you want to worry, most scientists say, you should think about global climate change, rogue asteroids or nuclear war. But if speculation about ancient prophecies gets you going, here are some things Dr. Morrison and the others think you should know.
大多数科学家说,如 果你要担心,就去担心全球气候变化,飘忽不定的小行星或者核战争。但如果关于古代预言的猜测使你担忧,莫里森博士和其他一些学者认为你应该了解以下几点:

  To begin with, astronomers agree, there is nothing special about the Sun and galactic center aligning in the sky. It happens every December with no physical consequences beyond the overconsumption of eggnog. And anyway, the Sun and the galactic center will not exactly coincide even in 2012.
首先,天文学家一致认为,太阳和银河系中心点在天空中连成一线没什么特别,这种事情每年的12 月份都会发生,除了(因为圣诞节的到来使得)蛋奶酒的需求大增之外没什么自然后果。而且太阳和银河系中心点即使在2012年也不会精确地连成一线。


  If there were another planet out there heading our way, everybody could see it by now. As for those fierce solar storms, the next sunspot maximum will not happen until 2013, and will be on the mild side, astronomers now say.
其次,即便真的有另外一颗行星正向我们撞来,那么我们每个人现在都应该能看到了。至于那些猛烈的太 阳风暴,天文学家们接着说,在2013年之前不会发生下一个太阳黑子的大爆发期,而且强度也会相对较弱。


  Geological apocalypse is a better bet. There have been big earthquakes in California before and probably will be again. These quakes could destroy Los Angeles, as shown in the movie, and Yellowstone could erupt again with cataclysmic force sooner or later. We and our works are indeed fragile and temporary riders on the Earth. But in this case, "sooner or later" means hundreds of millions of years, and there would be plenty of warning.
实际上,地质学上的灾变预言或许更令人信服。加利福尼亚此前曾发生过大地震,今后也 可能还会有。这些地震可能像电影《2012》中演的那样摧毁洛杉矶。黄石国家公园里的火山可能迟早会以灾难性的自然威力再次喷发。我们和我们拥有的一切实 际上非常脆弱,都只是地球的暂时过客。但假使这样的话,“迟早”也意味着数亿年的时间,而其间将会有大量的前兆。


  The Mayans, who were good-enough astronomers and timekeepers to predict Venus's position 500 years in the future, deserve better than this.


  Mayan time was cyclic, and experts like Dr. Krupp and Anthony Aveni, an astronomer and anthropologist at Colgate University, say there is no evidence that the Mayans thought anything special would happen when the odometer rolled over on this Long Count in 2012. There are references in Mayan inscriptions to dates both before the beginning and the ending of the present Long Count, they say, just as your next birthday and April 15 loom beyond New Year's Eve, on next year's calendar.
玛雅人的时间是循环的,包括克虏伯博士和科尔盖特大学天文学和人类学家安东尼·阿韦尼在内的专家们说,没有证据证明玛雅人 认为有什么特别的事情将在2012年“长历法”一轮回结束时发生。专家们说,在玛雅人的石刻里,有关于目前“长历法”轮回开始和结束前的日子的标识,正像 你知道你的下一个生日和4月15日将出现在明年日历的新年前夜之后一样。


  So keep up those mortgage payments.


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