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CNN Students News - Oct 17 ,2014

2014-10-17 07:32来源:未知


CARL AZUZ, CNN ANCHOR: I hope your Thursday is going well so far. I`m Carl Azuz. And we are glad to have you watching CNN STUDENT NEWS. Recent

swings in the U.S. stock market are violent. The Dow Jones Industrial Average, one indicator of how the whole market is doing, closed down 173

points yesterday. At one point, it had dropped 460 points. We`ve told you how when investors are afraid, they tend to sell, dropping the value of

stocks in the market. What are they afraid of?

For one thing, Germany. Europe`s largest economy isn`t doing well. For another American retail sales decreases, and so did prices. Those are bad

signs for the economy`s health.

Another reason investors are fearful, the possible spread of the deadly Ebola virus in the U.S. A second nurse at a Dallas Texas Hospital has

contracted the disease. Like Nina Pham, whom we told you about earlier, 29-year old Amber Vincent helped treat a Liberian man who died last week

from Ebola. Vincent had traveled to Ohio recently. The CDC says, she wasn`t officially allowed to travel on a commercial plane, but it says the

risk to others is low since Vincent didn`t have symptoms when she went.

Meanwhile, America`s largest nurses` union is strongly criticizing health officials, including the CDC over how they`ve handled Ebola. It says the

Dallas nurses didn`t have the supplies or the training they needed and that they feel lied to and deserted to handle their own situation.

The CDC says it`s committed to the nurses` safety and giving them what they need to safely manage Ebola patients.

Also, President Obama postponed a Democratic campaign trip yesterday. Instead, he met with cabinet agencies to discuss the government`s response

to Ebola.

One thing that`s spreading faster than the disease is the fear of it.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: A scene out of a disaster movie. First responders in hazmat gear board an Emirates` flight from Dubai and check five passengers

with flu-like symptoms. None met the criteria for Ebola or had visited Africa.

At LAX, 40 firefighters respond to a passenger with flu-like symptoms. But that`s where the scare ends.

CAPT. JAMIE MOORE, LOS ANGELES FIRE DEPT.: It has turned out that there was some miscommunication that this patient had been to the continent of

Africa, but not near West Africa.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Ebola has not, repeat, not, spread through the U.S., but fear certainly has. In Nashville, Tennessee, a sick passenger was

taken of the plane that originated in Dallas. The patient has no contact with anyone with Ebola or traveled to Africa.

In Richmond, Virginia, a patient with a low-grade fever who had traveled to Africa is isolated. Even though the clinic says they don`t believe it`s


Each scare stretches first responders and can cost taxpayers thousands of dollars and flu season has barely begun.

DR. PETER SANDMAN, RISK MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT: People will take this one in stride, but it takes a while. It takes longer if you tell them they are


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What makes this societal learning curve war, says Sandman, is early on the CDC chief insisted everything was under control,

then the nurse in Dallas contracted the disease.

SANDMAN: What he didn`t say is it`s going to be harder than people imagine. It`s going to be harder than we imagine. So, now, yeah, now

people are angry at the CDC and that anger is sort of morphing into fear.


AZUZ: On today`s "Roll Call," we are traveling from the state of Idaho to the Central American nation of Costa Rica. In the gym state, the crusaders

are on today`s roll. Their request came in from the city of Coldwell.

In Frisco, Texas say hello to the rangers. Lone Star High School`s are on patrol.

And in Escazu, Costa Rica, just west to the Capital of St. Jose, we`ve got the Panthers online at the country day school.

Reservoirs in some parts of California are down the 36 percent of their capacity. Lakes are drying up, puns are empty. Lawns and gardens are

dying. And it`s the state`s historic drought enters another year, many farmers are seeing the worst of it.

The state government has reduced the flow of irrigation water to the Central Valley, and as crops are lost, so are jobs. Some farmers have

resorted to buying water, in order to keep their crops and businesses alive.

Limits are being set of how much water people are allowed to use in a given day. Go over the line, pay a fine.

Dan Simon tested the limit.


DAN SIMON, CNN CORRESPONDENT: With California`s three-year drought, cities are trying to come up with ways to get people to save water.

Santa Monica wants to limit each person to 68 gallons per day. Use any more, and you could get hit with a penalty. So, it got me thinking, how

much water do I use every day. Can I stay within 68 gallons? So, using a few cameras I decided to document my daily use.

For this one day, I estimated I used 125 gallons, almost twice the amount advocated in Santa Monica. And that doesn`t even include things like

watering the grass. So, what are some things you can do? Well, for one, experts say you should take shorter showers and you can buy inexpensive

water saving showerheads that are easy to install. Also, turn off the water after you wet your toothbrush. Use your dishwasher and clothes

washer or only full loads and keep a bottle of drinking water in the fridge. After all, running tap is wasteful. Those are the kinds of things

that everyone should be thinking about, especially those of us suffering through a drought.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Time for the "Shoutout." What does the genealogist study? If you think you know it, shout it out. Is it ancestry, gemstones,

mythology or rock formations? You`ve got three seconds, go.

Genealogy is the study of family histories and ancestries. That`s your answer and that`s your "Shoutout."

AZUZ: Studying your own ancestry is like going back in time, and the places you`ve never been. Mine is taking me to Spain, Italy, France,

England, Russia, some by way of Ellis Island in New York.

CNN`s roots project followed some our anchors like Anderson Cooper on genealogical journeys. His father, Wyatt Cooper dies when Anderson was ten

years old.


ANDERSON COOPER, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Back in 2005 when I was in New Orleans, reporting in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, completely by

coincidence, I stumbled across my dad`s old high school flooded during the storm. This is the school now.

We are invited to take a look around. People who work at the school said they had all files, but I couldn`t imagine they`d have any of my dad`s.

(on camera): Wow, look .

(voice over): They showed me closets full of old records and posters dating all the way back to the 1940s.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They moved back after the war.

COOPER: I couldn`t find anything that belonged to my dad. As I was leaving, the school nurse came outside with the surprise for me.

(on camera): Oh my god!

This is his form.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That`s him. Yeah. Here you go.

COOPER: Oh, my god.


COOPER: Oh that`s so nice.

My dad`s report card. It`s crazy. I can`t believe that they had my dad`s report card all the way going back to 1944. They just had it in a file

somewhere in the back. That`s awesome.

VOICE OF WYATT COOPER: My feelings about what I want my sons to be .

COOPER (voice over): A couple of months ago, Clocktower radio restored an interview my father did back in 1975.

VOICE OF WYATT COOPER: My relationships with my sons, which are both quite extraordinary. I mean my relationships with each son is quite


COOPER: I listened to it at my office at work. It was the first time I`d heard my father`s voice since I was ten years old.

VOICE OF WYATT COOPER: They asked me questions, I got (INAUDIBLE). How much does (INAUDIBLE) because that`s what he would like to be. Yeah.

COOPER: The thing about the past is, one can`t help what zip code one was born in. What country or family you are descended from. All you can do is

learn the lessons of those who came before you. There are stories, there are mistakes and there are successes. You can`t choose what family you are

born into.

VOICE OF WYATT COOPER: My sons are very aware that I have certain expectations.

COOPER: All you can really do is chose how you want to live your own life.

VOICE OF WYATT COOPER: And will behave with honor and with dignity.


AZUZ: We`ve covered how drones are used in the military, how they are used in space, how they shoot some of the video you see in our show. Today, we

are just having a little fun with them.

A few drones, a path through a forest, a little bit of speed, what more do you need? This reminded all of us of the speedy bikes racing through the

woods in "Star Wars." But unlike speeders, at least these drones don`t crash. Oh, wait. Well, that kept me from droning on about it.

After the rack, the whole race wend down the drone. Maybe they should have - while they were ahead. They weren`t out of the woods yet, but you`ve got

to give them props for meeting the need for speed. I`m Carl Azuz. Hope to see you Friday.

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