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BBC NEWS 2016-05-20 老特拉福德疑似爆炸物已被引爆

2016-05-20 07:29来源:未知


Bomb disposal experts have carried out a controled explosion as Manchester the United home ground old Traford. Police described the object as looking incredibly like an explosive device, but later concluded it was not viable. Manchester the United Match against Bullmerth was abandoned. Here is Daniel Sandfort. It's all on the face of it seems to be just horrendous own goal while many united security people. They obviously have been using this device to tests for searches in the stadium is been left in place and so when the match was just about to start, this device has been found and somebody who’s believed it to be a real device or the risk has been a real device. The reason why the police reacted so forcibly because of security environment at the moment is worth remembering that last November those Paris attack began with attempted suicide attack on Stade de France on a football match.

The Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte has reaffirmed his tough policy on backing crime on drug abuse, saying he would order security forces to shoot to kill suspect criminals who resist to arrest. Mr.Duterte also confirmed he would press congress to bring back death penalty. Arsano Ivanglisda from the group volunteers against crime and corruption said he strongly supported the President plans. His solution is very simple and his political will is there. When he says he will restall the death penalty in 6 months time, when he says as soon as possible time, I will reduce illegal drug manufacture and distribution is something significant. You can feel the hope. You really feel the change is coming.

An Islamic State militants in Yemen has carried out a suicide bombing that killed at least 31 police recruits in southern port of Mukalla. A medical source said that at least 60 others were wounded in the attack in the outskirts of the city, which government forces recaptured from al-Qaeda last month. Offficials say the local security chief was attacked for a second bombing. He survived but his six guards were killed. The attacks come in a wider truce.

Venezuela's leading business association says the country's currently operating at less than half capacity chiefly because manufacturers did not have access to all foreign currency to import raw materials. Government officials blame the country's business elite which they say as conspiring to overthrow president Nicolas Maduro. Mr.Murduro has vowed to seize idle factories. I'm ready to give to the people any plant idles by bourgeoner and idle plant is a plant that people will take. We are going to do this. It is time to do this. BBC News.

A court in Egypt has sentenced six men to seven years in prison for beating a Frenchman to death at a police station. Eric Lang, a 49-year-old language teacher was taken into custody in Cairo three years ago. According to the prosecution, he quaralled with the inmates in the cell who then set upon him.

Excatly 100 years ago, French and British colonial administrators drew a single line through a map of middle East which continues to shape the politics in the region today. The Sykes-Picot Agreement signed in the 16th of May in 1916 secretly carved the area stretching from Iran to the Mediterranean into British and French scales of influence. Jame Euro reports. Nearly two years ago, a long-head English speaking militant from the so called Islamic State appeared in a vedio, showing how the group was supposed to lead the destroying of the Sykes-Picot Agreement by demolishing the border between Syria and Iraq. In fact, contrary to popular belief that the agreement did not draw the counrty's borders that the region was to inherit. What it did do was to draw a long line from the Iranian border through northern Iraq all the way to Mediterranean, with the French recorded influence and control to the north of that line and British to the south. But the secret agreement became a symbol and spirit of the colonial carving-up that was to follow in the coming years, as the Ottoman Empire collapsed and the WWI ended.

A British charity has given a go-ahead to begin clear landmines that surround seven churches in the west bank of River Jordan at the site where Christian believe Jesus was baptised. The area was captured in 1967 by Israeli army who planted mines and booby traps.

The government of the Canadian province of Alberta has released an app which will enable people evacuated from the time Fort Mcmurray to look at a satellite images of their properties. More than 80,000 people were forced to leave their homes after a wildfire.

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