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BBC NEWS 2016-05-12 朝鲜劳动党七大召开

2016-05-12 07:27来源:未知


The first full Congress of North Korea's ruling Worker's Party for 36 years is being held in Pyongyang. Thousands of delegates are at the four-day gathering which is seen as an opportunity for the leader Kim Jong Un to cement his status. About 100 foreign journalists have been invited to cover the event but they haven't been allowed inside the venue. From Pyongyang, Steve Evens reports. The meetings have been held behind closed door at the grand April 25 Cultural House in Pyongyang. The building is guarded by a line of Kim Jong Un's personal bodyguards around the perimeter, all standing ramrod straight each holding an umbrella. It's expected that the proceedings will be eventually be broadcast. The big questions whether Kim Jong Un will signal a change in policy, perhaps towards a more market-oriented economy.
Thousands of residents who fled the Canadian city of Fort McMurry have been airlifted to safety after again being threatened by a rapidly spreading wild fire. Haven't taken refugee to the north of the city, their phase is being cut off by the advancing flames. The authorities plan to move about 25,000 people to safety, a third of them by air.

A senior United Nations official says an airstrike on a Syrian refugee camp which is feared to have killed at least 30 people could amount to a war crime. The UN's Humanitarian Affairs Chief Stephen O'Brien has called for an investigation into the attack near the Turkish border. The Syrian government has targeted rebels in the area in recent weeks. Speaking to the BBC, Mr O'Brien said whoever was responsible would have to face the consequences. The suspicion will fall initially upon the Syrian government and we will want to make sure that they are, or whoever it is, are fully held to account for this absolutely abominable act. Britain's foreign secretary accused the Syria's president of showing contempt for international efforts to rebuild the ceasefire. The White House called the attack indefensible.

The Republican Speaker of the US house of Representatives Paul Ryan says he's not yet ready to support Donald Trump as the party's candidate for presidency. This is the report from Laura Bicker in Washington. House Speaker Paul Ryan is the Republican Party's highest-ranking officer holder but he is not willing to endorse Donald Trump. He said he wanted to be able to support the billionaire but he wasn't ready to do that. He said Republicans needed someone to unify the party. Mr Trump has responded saying that he's not ready to support speaker Ryan's agenda and added that American people have been treated so badly for so long, it's time politicians put them first. You're listening to the latest world news coming to you from the BBC.

Colombia has arrested the head of a Panamanian business empire accused of running a money-laundering organization for drug traffickers. Nidal Waked was arrested at the airport in Colombian capital Bogota. According to the US government, Mr Waked and several of his brothers used their family banking, real estate and retail businesses to launder drug money for a number of drug cartel.

In some of the worst violence between Israeli forces and Hamas in the Gaza strip for two years, a Palestinian woman has died after her home was stricken by Israeli tank fire. The Israeli military said it was responding to mortar rounds fired by Hamas fighters in the Khan Yunis area. The confronting came after a new tunnel was discovered between the Southern Gaza strip and Israel.

Singapore is to spend more than 1.5 billion dollars to expand the capacity of its military training base in Australia. A 25-year agreement between the two countries have been announced by the Australian prime minister Malcolm Turnbull. More from Phil Mercer in Sydney. A just over 700 square kilometers, Singapore doesn't have the spaces it needs for military exercise and uses spaces in tropical Australia. Defense facility in towns of Shoalwater Bay in Queensland will be upgraded. Both spaces lie in constituencies that the Australian government is desperate to retain in a federal election expected in an early July. Ministers however insist that the agreement is about security and economic benefits and not political expediency.

The results have been coming in from local elections in the UK in the biggest test of political opinions since the general election a year ago. Preliminary reports from the Scottish Parliament suggested that the opposition Labor Party will be pushed into third place in what was its traditional heartland. BBC news.

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