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BBC NEWS 2016-01-15 韩国重启对朝鲜的广播喊话

2016-01-15 07:55来源:未知


Hello, I'm Jerry Smit with the BBC News

Shares on China's main stock market have fluctuated sharply in the hours of trading since the country's security's regulator lifted the safe mechanism introduced to
prevent sharp falls. The market in Shanghai opened more than 2 percent higher but then lost its initial gains. From Beijing, Steve Evans.

Under what's called the circuit breaker, markets immediately shut when there was a big fall in prices. But that just put investors into sale mode more quickly. After
two markets closed this week, the authorities ended the mechanism. On Friday, share prices went up and down, but not into the downward spiral that was feared. On top
of that, the Chinese authorities seemed to be intervening in currency markets to prevent a further devaluation of the Yuan. The immediate effect of all of measures is
more stability than earlier in the week. It's impossible to tell what will happen in longer term.

South Korea has restarted its propoganda broadcast into North Korea two days after Pyongyang's announcement that it had tested a hydrogen bomb. So it's relyed by broad loud speaker,South Korean pop music and world news across the border as well as criticism of the north authoritarian government. From Seoul, M O reports.

The propoganda broadcast, as they known, has alwasy irritated the authorities in Pyongyang. And the two countries have traded artillery fire over the issue last
August. But following North Korea's fourth nuclear test, Soeul has decided to resume the broadcast using aloud speakers at the border. Another measure that the South
Korean government has been considering is to build up the US military presence in the country.

The US Secretray of State John Kerry says he's told China it's approach to dealing with North Korea is not working. Mr Kerry said China had been given space to work
with Pyongyang. But this approach had failed.

There can not be business as usual. And we've agreed that we will work very closely together to determine the steps we can take in order to address our increasing
concerns about that nuclear test.

President Obama has been explaining his proposals on gun control to a public television audience. He's reiterated that what he's proposed is a strenthening of
background checks on those who buy guns in the hope that some Miller's killings can be averted.

There's a mass shooting, they gusses every few months there's one, they gusses national everyday. There hope focus on shoot on the streets around the country that we don't hear about it. That is not something that we can be satisfied with.

Mr Obama called gun violence a national crisis. And he urged gun owners and firearm manufacturers to play their party ending it.

News from the BBC

The United Nation says it hopes to start delivering food on Monday to the besieged Syrian town of Madaya where people are reported to have died from starvation. The
UN's food agency told the BBC lorries were ready to leave. But there coordination was needed to make sure they wouldn't be a risk of attack when they entered the rebel held town near the Lebanese border. As part of a deal with the Syrian authorities, aid would be delievered to two besieged government held villages.

Dozens of homes and businesses in the Australian settlement of Yarloop have been destroyed by a massive bush fire. Firefighters were working to contain the blaze which is threatening other towns south of the state captial Perth. Jon Donnison reports.

This is one of the worst bush fires of the Australia some so far. Already it's burnt through around 50,000 hectars fueled by strong gusty winds. The fire ripped
directly through the town of Yarloop with the population of around 500 people. It's thought up to 100 homes and buildings have been flattened with little there
standing. Police say a number of people are missing.

Astronomers say they are on course to take the first image of the edge of a black hole known as Event Horizon early next year. The team will focus on the supermassive
black hole called / star at the heart of the milky way. More details from Jonathan Web.

The event horizon is the sterical boundary of a black hole from which nothing including light can escape. But its cloud of gas and dust are sucked and squeezed into
with a blaze with energy. It's this swallowing hallow that would allow the event horizoning telescope to capture the silhouette of the black itself for the very first
time. Based on many simulation of the unexplored frontier, the team behind the telescope has chosen to use very short radiowaves which should penetrate the surrounding turmoil in review the black hole shadow. Jonathan Web.

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