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BBC NEWS 2015-12-31 伊拉克收复拉马迪政府大楼

2015-12-31 09:10来源:未知


The Iraqi military says it now has control of a complex of government buildings that's been the center of battle for the city of Ramadi. IS fighters appeared to have
withdrawn from the compound although troops are still confronting pockets of resistance in the surrounding neighborhood. The recapture of Ramadi will constitute a
significant victory for the Iraqi government. As Toma Fussy repots from Baghdad. The authorities will hail this week's offensive as a success against the jihadi group
in the country. But it took months to mount this ground campaign coordinated with coalition air strikes. The prime minister Haider al-Abadi said the army would then
move to retaken the northern city of Mosul and that would be the biggest prize. But it is the largest population center under the control of IS in Iraq and the battle
there will be much tougher.

The director of Israel's missile defense programs has been sacked for what the government has described as a grave breach of security. The Israeli media said Yair
Ramati stored classified documents on his personal computer.

Reports from Yemen say that Osama bin Laden's former bodyguard Nasser al-Bahri has died after a long illness. Youssef Taha has the story. Medical sources in Yemen told the BBC that al-Bahri who was also known as Abu Jandal, died on Saturday at a hospital in Mukalla in the southern province of Hadhramaut. He was the bodyguard and driver of Osama bin Laden, the late Al-Qaeda leaders when he operated from Afghanistan. He returned to Yemen at the end of 2008 following his release from the US detention center in Guantanamo. Al-Bahri, who was a Yemeni national, was reputed to have been involved in military attacks during the 1990s in Bosnia, Somalia and Afghanistan.

A Syrian group that reports on human rights abuses by IS militants in the city of Raqqa says another of its members has been killed. Naji Jerf made documentary film
for the organization known as 'Raqqa is being slaughtered silently'. He was shot dead while in Turkey.

At least 11 people have died in the latest tornadoes to hit the US state of Texas. Witnesses say it took the tornadoes just seconds to cause devastation including
flattening houses, toppling trees and causing massive power cuts. A young child was among those killed. Large parts of the Dallas region were plunged into darkness.
Douglas Athas is the mayor of Garlands near Dallas. I have seen the devastation. It is quite extensive. There are homes completely leveled. Many more with roofs
damaged, cars overturned, fences down. Government apartment complex is especially hard hit. It's just stakes and rubbles, large metal, beams twisted and thrown. I've
seen them on both sides of the free way. So that was at least 300 and some yards areas that have been thrown. World news from the BBC.

Several hundred people have marched on the French island of Corsica, ignoring a ban on demonstrations introduced after two days of violent anti-Abrab protests. The
unrest followed a clash on Thursday in which two firefighters and a police officer were injured in a largely Arab housing estate in the capital Ajaccio.

The pro-indepence movement in the Spanish region of Catalonia is in disarray after it failed to choose a leader. Delegates from the leftist in the alliance, the CUP,
split over whether to support a pro-indepence administration led by the current regional president Artur Mas. The leader of the CUP, Antonio Banos, said the stalemate
was a clear sign that the debate had to continue. But the outcome is what it is. And I think it is not a problem but a challenge. It's the challenge of debate, the
challenge to reach an agreement.

A former player in El Salvador's national football team has been shot dead. The authorities say that Alfredo Pacheco was killed while chatting with friends at a petrol
station in the city of Santa Ana. Pacheco was banned from football in 2013 for match-fixing.

The Oscar-winning cinematographer Haskell Wexler has died. He was 93. Wexler won an Academy award for his innovative black-and-white camera work on the 1966 film 'Who Is Afraid of Virginia Woolf' and a second a decade later for 'Bound for Glory' based on the American musician Woody Guthrie. In this interview, Wexler talked about the importance of lighting. For me, it came from not having a lot of equipment, not having a lot of what you called 'lighting equipment'. So even before digital which is much more reflexible. You're very conscious what light happens in the room. And that's the latest BBC world news.

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