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BBC NEWS 2015-12-25 国际田联故意推迟涉药人员名单

2015-12-25 08:39来源:未知


The BBC has obtained evidence of a secret plan within the governing body of World Athletics to delay naming Russian drug cheats in the run-up to the 2013 world
championships in Moscow. The plan is outlined in an email sent to a colleague by the deputy general secretary of the IAAF Nick Davies. Don Rowan reports. In the email
labeled 'very secret', Nick Davies wrote that he needed to understand exactly what Russian skeletons were still in the cupboard regarding doping and the governing body needed to be smart about the unveiling of guilty athletes. If the guilty ones are now competing, he wrote, then we might as well wait until the event is over we'll
announce them. Mr Davies denies any wrongdoing and in a statement to the BBC said as director of IAAF communications, one of his responsibilities was to manage the
organization's reputation.

The White House says it's committed to supporting the Afghan people and government after a suicide bomber killed 6 US soldiers near Bagram airbase. The Taliban say
they carried out the attack. The killing coincided with the Taliban offensive in southern province of Helmand. More from our chief international correspondent Lyse
Doucet. It's been a month of heavy fighting across Helmand province and as it stands now, in a province of 14 districts, all but two are rather in Taliban's hands or
they're heavily contested. They weren't defeated in this war, they're were simply pushed back. They're retreated into Pakistan or have returned or they melted into the
very traditional society with their part of the society. And so they're fighting back. It's never mind or yet again these wars of our time are very long wars since
it's going to take place for a long time to come.

International agencies have condemned an advertising campaign by the Hungary government that links migration to terrorism. Anti-imigrants messages are broadcast hourly on radio, television stations in Hungary. Nick Thaw has more details. The interesting thing with this latest version of the Hungarian government anti-migration
campaign is that it comes at a time when there are no migrants at all in Hungary. It sealed its border with Serbia in September and with Croatia in October and those
fences have been effective of course because that flow of migrants and refugees has carried them but through the Balkans. So this is an attack on migrants who actually aren't any longer in Hungary.

Venezuela has accused Argentina of meddling in its internal affairs after Argentina's new conservative president Mauricio Macri called for the release of all political
prisoners in Venezuela. The two countries were close allies until Mr Macri was elected.

The United Nation's children's agency UNICEF says attacks by the Islamist group Boko Horam in Nigeria and neighboring countries have forced more than 1 million
children out of school. It says hundreds of schools have been attacked, looted or set on fire during the 6-year conflict. World news from the BBC.

One of the candidates hoping to be the next FIFA president Tokyo Sexwale has appeared as a potential witness before a US grand jury as a part of an investigation into
alleged world cup bribery. The BBC has learned that he was questioned about an alleged 10 million dollar payment from South Africa to a former FIFA vice president Jack Warner. Mr Sexwale was a member of the bidding team that won the right for South Africa to host the world cup in 2010. He has denied any wrongdoing.

The Spanish prime minister Mariano Rajoy said he will put the wider interests of his country first as he seeks to persuade other parties to join a governing coalition.
Mr Rajoy's popular party won the most seats in Sunday's general election but not enough to form a government. Tom Burridge is in Madrid. Forming a coalition will not
be easy. If Mr Rajoy cannot find the necessary allies, other left-wing parties including the new anti-austerity party Podemos could try and form an alternative
coalition. Either deal could be messy. Most of the parties recognize the need for change but they disagree on fundamental questions about how to run the economy and
whether there should be referendum on independece in Catalonia.

The European Union has extended economic sanctions against Russian until July next year over its failure to fully implement a peace deal with Ukraine. Russia described the decision as a short-sighted gain. Some EU countries has already indicated their wish to reengage with Russia.

A fire in the Brazilian city of Sao Paulo has destroyed parts of an historic 19 century railway station housing a popular museum. The blaze destroyed the roof of the
"Station of Light" which was originally built by the British. One fireman was killed.

The makers of the latest star wars films say it has broken the record for worldwide tickets sales in its opening weekend. Star Wars: The Force Awakens recouped more
than half a billion dollars globally. BBC news.

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