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BBC NEWS 2015-12-01 俄法将联手打击"伊斯兰国"

2015-12-01 08:41来源:未知


Russia has agreed to work more closely with France to target the Islamic State group in Syria. The Russian President Vladimir Putin made the announcement after talks in Moscow with President Francis Hollande. Steve Rosenberg reports from Moscow. In the Kremlin, presidents of Russia and France agreed to cooperate more closely in the fight against terrorism. Their countries were exchanging intelligence on Islamic State and coordinate air strikes in Syria. But this was not the grand coalition against terror which President Hollande had called for after the Paris attacks. The kind of broad anti-terrorist alliance that would include America. The US remains deeply suspicious of Moscow's intentions in Syria and the feeling is mutual.

President Putin has sharply criticized the United States which he says fail to prevent Turkey shooting down a Russian jet on Tuesday saying the US knew about the plane's movement. Mr. Putin said Turkey's explain that it didn't know it was targeting a Russian plane was nonsense. And I would like to also reach a rate that in advance, in accordance with our agreement with the US, we gave information where our planes would be working at what altitude, what areas and Turkey is part of that coalition and they had to know that it was the Russian air force that was working in that area.

Police in Germany have arrested two men suspected of planning an attack. An official said the two were detained during a series raids targeting suspected Islamists in the Berlin region and Islamic culture center was all searched during the operation.

An International Poll suggests that public concern about climate change has declined over the past six years, especially in industrialized countries. The poll, by Globe Scan, surveys people from 21 countries. Only four nations, Canada, France, Spain and Britain, now have majorities which support their own governments setting ambitious targets in next week’s global conference in Paris.

The head of International Athletics Sabastian Coe says he has ended his association with Nike because it was interfering with his efforts to clean up the sport. Lord Coe has been under pressure to resign since being appointed president of the IAAWF. Alex Capstick reports. His decision comes two days after a BBC investigation suggested he had lobbied his predecessor Lamine Diack for Eugen to hold 2021 World Championships. It was chosen without the normal bidding process. Nike has close links with the American city. Its headquarter is just outside nearby Portland. Lord Coe insisted his departure from the sports-wear giant was nothing to do with that. He denied there had been a conflict of interest, but admitted his role in the firm had become a distraction. World news from the BBC.

Two prominent Turkish newspaper journalists have been arrested in accuse of spying an assisting militant groups. Can Dundar, the editor in chief of the Daily Cumhuriyet, and Erdem Gul, the paper's Ankara correspondent, were detained of publishing footage, apparently showing the state intelligence agency sending weapons to Islamist rebels in Syria.

Three Palestinians have been shot dead in separate clashes with Israeli security forces in the occupied West Bank. More than 100 people have died in a wave of violence in recent weeks. Bethany Bell reports from Jerusalem. The Palestinian Ministry of Health says a 21-year-old man was killed early in the morning in a village near the West Bank city of Ramallah.The Israeli army said it was searching for militants and weapons there. It said local threw petrol bombs and rocks at troops who fired back at one of the attackers. Another Palestinian was shot in a check point near Naples. Israeli security officials say he charged him with a knife. A third Palestinian was shot by Israeli forces during clashes at a refugee camp near Hebron. He later died of his injuries.

A man dripped in with an American flag has been arrested after climbing over a fence into the grounds of the White House. President Obama was inside the building with his families celebrating Thanksgiving. Secret service agency quickly stopped the man, he's understood to have be carrying an envelop, but isn't thought to have been armed.

The England and Wales cricket board has endorsed tough regulations on the use of helmets by professional players. The decision was announced exactly a year after the death of the Australian batsman Phil Hughes who was hit by a ball on the base of his scalp. From next season, all male and female batsmen playing for England, or in county cricket, would be required to wear helmets which meet the latest British safety standards. BBC news.

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