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BBC NEWS 2015-11-30 韩国向大众开重磅罚单

2015-11-30 10:27来源:未知


Officials from North and South Korea are meeting for a rare round of talks. The first interaction between the two governments since August when they met to defuse crisis that brought them to the brink of armed conflict. Stephen Evans reports. The talks are unlikely to produce any grand results. This significance is more that they're taking place at all in what’s been a continual atmosphere of mistrust. Theren't big issues on the agenda, but rather matters of how to continue meeting, perhaps at increasingly senior levels. There’re some signs that North Korea wants more openness, particularly by getting in more tourists with hard currency.

The government of South Korea has ordered the German car manufacture Volkswagen to recall more than 125,000 diesel vehicles. Environment ministry said its testing has confirmed that company manipulated emission's result from the car’s engines. The South Korea government also fined Volkswagen more than 12 million dollars.

The African Union begins two-day summit today, aimed at finding ways of ending child marriage on the continent. United Nation's childrens founding UNICEF says every one in three African girls are married before they are 18 years old. Lams Reciker reports from the Zambia capital, Lusaka. Millions of young girls dream of going to school, but instead they are forced to prepare for motherhood after being married of early. The African Union and other NGOs have drawn forces to persuade governments to make child marriages illegal, as robs young girls of their rights to education and health. They also want the law that says the minimum ages of marriage must be 18. But in order to do this, they have to convince local traditional leaders and parents that keeping girls in school and out of marriage is the way forward to break the cycle of poverty.

Police in Brazil have for the first time arrested the sitting Senator, Delcidio Amaral, who is the member of the governing workers party in the Brazilian senate was detained in connection with a corruption inquiry at the state oil company Petrobras. Wyre Davis reports. Brazilian’s senators and members of congress are usually afforded general’s protection against arrest. But in a rare development, the country Supreme Court gave the federal police permission to detain Delcidio Amaral, the head of Governing Works Party in the senate,also arrested one of the Brazil’s richest men in head of BTG investment bank, Andre Estevez. Both men face further questioning as part of federal police investigation into allegations more than 2 billion dollars was paid in bribes and kickbacks for lucrative contracts at Petrobras,the state-controlled oil giant. World News from the BBC.

President Obama has said he deeply disturb by video footage showing the death of 17 year-old black man who was shot 16 times by policeman in Chicago just over a year ago. The footage was released on Tuesday after prosecutors announced they have brought murder charges against white police officer, Jason Van Dyke.

A court in United States has convicted the man of murder after he shot dead his wife and post the picture of her body on Facebook. The jury of Florida rejected Dory Medina’s argument that he had acted in self-defense. The court was told that he had written on the social media site that expected to go to prison or be sentenced to death for the killing.

An opposition party of Venezuela says one of his regional leaders has been killed in a drive by shooting. Luis Manuel Diaz from the Democratic Action Party was holding a political meeting in the state of Guarico. Opposition leaders blamed pro-government militias for the attack.

A former French cabinet minister has found himself being called upon to perform duties well beyond his normal brief, delivering a baby at 9,000 meters. Philippe Douste-Blazy answered the cabin crew's appeal for a doctor when a woman went into labor on an Air France Flight from Chad to France. Before serving as health minister, he's trained as a cardiologist. BBC News

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