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BBC NEWS 2015-11-28 美国和北约支持土方捍卫主权

2015-11-28 08:08来源:未知


The Secretary General of NATO Jens Stoltenberg has said alliance stands in solidarity with Turkey after shot down a Russian warplane on the Turkey-Syrian border,
speaking after an emergency meeting called by Turkey. Mr Stoltenberg said NATO's assessment of the incident showed the Russian warplane did fly into Turkish air space, but he called for calm from both sides. We are calling for now calm and deescalation. This is a serious situation. This is a situation which calls on that all are
prudent and that we all contribute to deescalating the situation. The Spokesman for the Russian military General Sergey Rudskoy has said at least one of the two pilots
was killed by far from the ground after they paratrooped from the plane. President Putin warned the shooting would have serious consequences.

The Pairs prosecutor says the alleged mastermind of the Pairs attacks, Abdelhamid Abaaoud return to the scene of shootings shortly after he himself had taken part in
them. He was killed when police raided a flat in parison suburb of Saint Denis. The prosecutor Francois Molins said Abaaoud had also tended to target the business
district of La Defense in a later attack. There is information about which I can't and don't want to give too much detail that came to light on the 19th and makes us
think that two terrorists, Abaaoud and a man found with him in the apartment, were planning a suicide attack either last Tuesday or Wednesday on the La Defense.

The Tunisian president Beji Caid Essebsi has declared 30 days state of emergency throughout the country after an attack on a bus in capital Tunis killed at least 12
presidential guards. After consulting with the Prime Minister and head of parliament, I would like to declare state of emergency extending for 30 days as per the law.
Secondly, a curfew is being imposed aross all of Tunisia, starting from 9 in this evening until tommorrow at five in the morning. 16 people were also wounded when the
vehicle hit by a devastating blast. Analysts say the suspicion will fall on Islamist militants.

A white police officer in the United States who shot a black teenager sixteen times has been charged with the murder. Jason Van Dyke an officer in Chicago was charged
over the death of 17-year old Laquan McDonald in October last year. The Cook County State Attorney Anita Alvarez said that Van Dyke started shooting almost as soon as he got to the scene. Our investigation has determined that officer Van Dyke was on the scene for less than 30 seconds before he started his shooting, in addition to
the fact that all evidence indicates that he began shooting approximately six seconds after getting out of his vehicle. World news from the BBC.

Canada's new government says that it will take in ten thousand Syrian refugees by the end of the year, a big reduction on a pledge made earlier. However, the
government says it was still committed to bringing in the promised extra fifteen thousand refugees from the Syrian conflict by the end of February. The Immigration
Minister John McCallum said Canadian will rather take extra time to carry out the process correctly. Yes. We wanna bring them fast but we also wanna do it right. And I
heard Canadians across this country saying yes, you have to do it right. And it will take a little bit longer to do it right, then take the extra time, and that's exactly what we are doing.

Prosecutors in Brazil have called for indictment of the former international football player Edilson for involvement in a lottery fraud scheme. Edilson who played in
Brazil's 2002 World Cup winning squad denies the charges. Investigators say he used his fame and prestige to persuade bank managers to validate false winning lottery
tickets and pay the prize money into accounts set up by the gang.

The World Bank has announced to use sixteen billion dollar plan to help African countries deal with climate change. The Africa Climate Business Plan will be presented
at the global summit in Paris next week. Richard Hamilton reports. The World Bank says it's looking at a number of measures including reforestation, better managements of its great rivers such as Niger and Zambezi, adding bus lines to ease congestion in cities as well as renewable energy such as solar, hydro and geothermal power. It says that more investment is also needed in early warning systems.

Archaeologists in Egypt have unearthed a huge wall dating back 3500 years on the site of the ancient capital. The discovery was made in the area what was once the city of Verous in the Nile delta. BBC News.

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