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BBC NEWS 2015-11-26 比利时首都持续高度戒备状态

2015-11-26 07:43来源:未知


The Belgium capital Brussels remains on edge amid anti-terror raid across the city and renewed warnings of possible attacks in busy locations. 16 people were arrested by the police on Sunday night. But no weapons or explosives were seized. Salah Abdeslam as suspect right in Paris attack who's thought to be in Belgium wasn't caught. The terror alert in Brussels is being kept the highest level for the time being. Christ Morris is in Brussels. Another working week is beginning in Brussels but there is nothing normal about it. The city's metro is closed and heavily armed soldiers and police are patrolling the streets. Schools and universities are shut so are cinemas and museums. Public events have been cancelled. Last night restaurants that had remained open in one part of the city center were evacuated and residents told to stay away from windows as the security forces carried out a series of operations.

France is stepping up its diplomatic and military activity and it tries to build an international coalition against the IS group. The French president Francois Hollande is meeting the British Prime Minister David Cameron in Paris today. Kevin Conily looks what the leaders are likely to discuss. Alongside the expected comparing of security cooperation and intelligence sharing, were coming the question of scope of British Air operation against IS targets in the Middle East currently confined to Iraq. For president Hollande, the early morning talk with David Cameron and over talk with period of intensed diplomacy in which it also means Barack Obama and Vladmir Putin. France is now determined that the killings in Paris also as the catalyst for unprecedented international effort to crush the extremist of the so called IS.

The mayor of Buenos Aires Mauricio Macri has won the presidential election in Argentina bringing to an end 12 years of center-left Peronist government. He beat his rival the former vice president Daniel Scioli by a clear margin of about 3%.

A report has strongly criticized the local and international response to the Ebola outbreak in west Africa which caused the death of more than 11 thousand people in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. The report by 20 independent experts is particularly critical to the role played by the World Health Organization. Doctor Ashish Jha the report's author said the WHO should be alert sooner. WHO was very slow in responding to the outbreak. It has a very specific responsibility to call something in Public Health Emergency of International Consequence. It was extremely slow in doing that even after doing that it response was far less effective than it needed to be. So the failures of WHO were several. BBC news.

Police in New Orleans a US state in Louisiana say 16 people would be injured after two groups open fires at each other in a park. The victims have been taken to hospital. There were no deaths. Several hundred people were at the park some parting after a parade and others for the filming of a music video when the shots were fired.

New legal measures have been introduced in Peru aiming to reducing violence against women. They included tough penalties about 15 years in prison for attacks on family members. In a speech before hundreds of women in the capital Lima, the country's president Ollanta Humala ask Peruvians to end traditions that condones domestic violence.

There has been a small explosion of the controversial Yasukuni Shrine for the war dead in Japanese capital Tokyo. Reports say there was damage to the ceiling and walls of a public bathroom and bateries and wirings found the scene suggested they could be unexploded device. Warshiping the shrine provoke harsh criticism from some of Japan's neighbors who's suffered from the country's military aggression during the Seond Wolrd War.

One of the last four remaining Northern White Rhinos has died in California. Nola,a 41-year-old female has been a popular attraction of the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. Heres Adam Porter. Northern White Rhinos were declared extinct in the wild in 2008, because of poaching for their horns which some cultures believe have medicinal properties. Nola was the only example of her species in the western hemisphere. There are three in the wildlife reserve in Kenya. San Diego Zoo said Nola has helped millions of people learn about the plight of Rhinos in the wild. It's said she's being suffering from a bacterial infection and it had to be put down. BBC news.

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