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BBC NEWS 2015-08-28 股市大跌后央行降准降息

2015-08-28 07:17来源:未知


Hello, I am Johnson Issac with the BBC news. French prosecutors say the terror suspect who was tackled by passengers on a train last week had links to radical Islam and recently traveled to Turkey, a possible transit route to Syria. The senior prosecutor Francois Molins formally in the investigation said it was clear the 25-year-old Moroccan suspect Ayoub El-Khazzani had intended to carry out mass slaughter and he dismissed suggestions that the suspect found his weapons and ammunitions in a bin and intended only to carry out a robbery. "At the end of the statement which I would describe as fanciful, he said his plan involved robbing the passengers, smashing a window and jumping out of the moving train to make his escape. During questioning, his answers became more and more evasive as investigators' questions were tough and detailed. He claimed memory elapses or refused to reply up until a last couple of days, I think it was yesterday when he fell back on his right to remain silent.

United States and Turkey have finalized a deal about Turkey's war planes taking part in airstrikes as part of a coalition campaign against Islamic State militants. Here is Garry Domigh in Washington. The two countries have been discussing the cooperation of Turkish airpower into the fight against IS for some time. The announcement represents a win for the US. American planes have been flying out of Turkish airbases since early this month. And Turkey has already conducted a handful of airstrikes against IS itself. But now the Turkish airforce would be fully integrated as part of the coalition's air stragetgy.

Syrian president Bashar al-Assad has expressed confidence that his Russian and Iranian allies will stand by him. In a television interview, he rejected speculation that they might abandon him to facilitate settlement in Syria. Jim Mill reports. President al-Assad spelled out positions which remain unchanged. The political efforts have been stepped up after the Iran nuclear agreement leading to speculation that there could be a breakthrough over Syria. But Mr Assad said there was no imminent solution for that to happen. The outside quarters supporting what he called terrorism involved Saudis,Kurds and others will have to stop their backing for the rebels. Any solution must be based first and foremost on the drive against terrorism he said. He expressed full confidence in its Russian and Iranian allies who did not abandon their friends he said unlike the Americans.

China's central bank has cut interest rates in an attempt to halt dramatic slide in share prices. The main index in Shanghai closed down more than 7 percent on Tuesday after a drop of eight and a half percent on Monday, the cut was the fifth since November.

A South Korea ambassador to the United Nation says he thinks North Korea's recent expression of regret of a landmind incident amounts to an apology, so says the North planted the mind that wounded two South Korean soldiers in the demilitarized zone. BBC news.

United Nation Security Council says it was immediately imposed arms embargo and targeted sanctions on South Sudan if the country's president failed to sign a peace accord. Salva Kiir indicated he would not endorse the deal on Wendesday after refusing to do so last week. The UN panel experts said a Chinese state owned arms firm has sold South Sudan more than 20 million dollars worth of weapons in recent month. Here is Mary Happer .The experts said South Sudan have bought from the Chinese thousands of heavy weapons, nearly ten thousands of automatic rifles and twenty four million rounds of ammunation. It also obtained four attack helicopters. They also said both sides in the conflict have engaged in what they described as incredible violence against civillians. The worse they said occured early this year during a government offense in Unity State, entire viliges were destroyed, houses burned with occupancies inside.

The French medical charity Medecins Sans Frontieres says it has evidence suggesting that anti-government groups in northern Syria have used chemical weapons against civilians. MSF says its staff in Aleppo province have treated four members of the same family who appeared to have been exposed to a chemical agent attack last Friday. Pablo Marco is MSF's program manager for Syria."The symptoms that the patients exhibited when our team treated them in the hospital of Aleppo where the very thing that the Aleppo consistent with,we think those of chemical agent. We can not certain which one to accuse, we know that the symptoms were seen and obviously the paitient have is very consistent with mustard gas."

A court in Guatemala has ordered the country's 89-year-old former dictator Efrain Rios Montt can stand trial on genocide charges despite suffering from dementia. Rios Montt was accused of ordering tha massacre of 1700 indigenous Ixil Maya people. That's the latest BBC news.

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