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BBC NEWS 2015-08-27 法德领导人呼吁欧盟协力解决移民问题

2015-08-27 08:36来源:未知


Hello, I'm Johnson Issac with the BBC news. North and South Korea said they've reached a deal after a marathon talks designed to reduce tension of their border. Both countries put their military forces on alert after a brief exchange of fire last week. Steven Evens reports from Seoul. "It took just short of 48 hours of talking before the two sides stepped back from serious armed confrontation. South Korea agreed to stop broadcasting propaghanda into the North from banks of loudspeakers. And North Korea expressed regret about the incident which sparked the crisis. South Korea depicted that expression of regret as an apology. The agreement now reached is not expected to lead to a permanent easing of tension."

The leaders of France and Germany have called for European Union countries to work together to deal with migrant crisis. At a joint news conference in Berlin, the German Chancellor Angela Merkel said current rules such as registering migrants were now being followed. The French President Francois Hollande called for a fair distribution of asylum seekers between member states, and what he called the dignified return of those entering illegally. Here in the U.K, the government has due to announce new proposals to tackle illegal immigration. New figures are expected to show that migrants to Britain has reached record levels. Daniel Sanford has the detail. "The immigration bill which should be published before Chritmas will include the criminal offence in England and Welsh of working illegally. We have now learned that the maximum penalty will be six months in prison and an unlimited fine as well as the possibility of wages being ceased as proceeds of crimes. Business discovered using illegal workers will no longer be able to claim they didn't know a particular employee was not allowed to work. They'll have to show that they carried out proper checks before taking them on."

It's been a day of turmoil along stockmarkets around the world has fierce deepened over economic slowdown in China. At one point the Dow Jones index in the United States was down by 1.000 points, one of its biggest ever falls. Although it later rallied, it still close down more than 3.5% on the day. The main markets in Europe and Asia fell by more than 4%. And China's Shanghai was down more than 8%. Our economic editor Robert Peston has this assessment of China's economic troubles. "For thirty years they grew 10%. The official grow target this year is quite a lot less than 7%. But if you look at the fundamentals that they are so dependent on debt-fuelled investment, they can't go on much longer,that growth could fall much more to save 3%. Now the point is that China has been generating quarter of the world's growth for years and years and years. If growth falls from 10% to 3%, I'm afraid that does mean that global growth slows down very dramatically indeed."World news from the BBC.

The municipal court judge in Ferguson, Missouri has halted court practices that were seen as a major factor in a riot that follows a shooting of an unarmed black teenager by a white policeman a year ago. In response to a scathing report by the U.S justice department,Judge Donald McCullin instructed all arrest warrent issued before this year to be withdrawn. Report accused court officials and the local police of exploiting people, mainly African Americans to raise revenue. It said minor infractions often led to multiple fines, arrests and driving bans putting people deeper into debt."

The outgoing head of football's world governing body FIFA Sepp Blatter has insisted he is not corrupt and is leaving the game in exception in good shape. Mr. Blatter announced in June that he would step down days after senior FIFA executives were arrested as part of the U.S corruption inquiry. More from Richard Connalway. "Speaking exclusively to the BBC, the FIFA president defended his 17 years at the top of the football. 'There is no corruption in football, there is corruption with individuals.''There's no corruption within FIFA?''No, the institution FIFA is not corrupt.'"But the allegations claimed what happened during his tenure of FIFA refused to disappear. All that is certain is that next Feburary, he and football's world governing body must move on without each other.

Research by scientist in Sweden suggests that an U.N backed programme to cut global warming has in some cases significantly undermine efforts to tackle climate change. The scientists say that majority of what is known as carbon offsetting project don't produce real cuts in emissions, instead the study concludes that the system can result in perverse incentives to increase production of industrial waste gases.

The last known Ebola patient in Sierra Leone has been released from hospital. World Health Organizations said no new cases had been reported in the country for more than two weeks. Almost 4,000 people have died of Ebola in Sierra Leone. BBC news.

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