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BBC NEWS 2015-07-30 阿萨德总统承认叙利亚军力匮乏

2015-07-30 07:15来源:未知


Hello, I'm Jerry Smit with the BBC news.

Turkey security sources said war planes have carried out a second wave of airstrikes against Kurdish separatist camps over the border in Northern Iraq, four F16 fighter jets were deployed from Diyarbakir Airbase to hit PKK bases in the same area where the regional strikes took place on Friday. The European Union and NATO have urged Turkey not to give up on the stalled peace process with the Kurdish minority. Mark Lowen reports from Istanbul.

"The fear is growing here that the battle days of Turkey's Kurdish conflicts might return. The latest incident was near Kurdish majority Diyarbakir, where a Turkish military convoy was bombed. It comes after Turkey struck PKK positions in Iraq in response to attacks by the group on Turkish policemen. Amid concerns that the ceasefire with the PPK may now have ended, Turkey has convened a meeting with Nato ambassadors in Brussels on Tuesday."

A Turkey’s policeman has been killed in a third-day clashes with demonstrators in main city Istanbul. Muhammad Fatih Sivri was the shot in the chest as he tried to make an arrest. The protest followed the death of a female activist during raids by the security forces on Friday.

There've beem reports of shelling in Southern Yemen just after a humanitarian ceasefire was due to come into force. A five-day truce was called by the government in exile and a Saudi-led coalition, but the Houthis who control much of the north of country said they haven’t being formally notified. A M reports.

"Airstrikes on Houthi rebel positions in Yemen by the Saudi-led coalition came to halt at midnight local time. The capital Sanaa and central areas of Yemen were said to be quiet, but fighting appears to have broken out almost immediately near the city of Taizz, where there've been fierce clashes in recent days. Witnesses say the Houthi rebels shelled residential areas and the ground fight broke out soon after, there've also been reports of sporadic gunfire on the northern outskirts of Aden, two previous ceasefire attempts have failed." A M reporting.

The Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said he's acknowledged that his military forces have lost ground in the civil war because of the lack of manpower. In his first televised address in a year, President Assad said more than four years of conflict have forced his troop to give up some territory in order to hold on to areas of more strategic importance. The BBC’s R al-M says the size of Syrian’s conscript army has been dramatically reduced.

"The army, the Syrian army is not controlling the whole of the territory, and this is why he said they need to prioritize certain areas over others, and they are suffering a severe shortage of soldiers. It’s a very hard a system of conscription even before the war, and people are trying to dodge the way out of the Syrian army was known for decades. But now there is a very serious shortage, and there’s also the phenomenon of desertion."

You are listening to the world news from the BBC.

Police in Nigeria say a young girl about ten years old carried out a suicide bombing that killed at least 16 people at a crowed market. The early morning attack took place in the northeastern city of Damaturu, 50 people were wounded.

President Obama is in Ethiopia on the second leg of his Africa tour, it’s the first visit to the country by a serving US president, and he’ll also be the first to address the 54-member African Union at its headquarters in Addis Ababa.

Discussions on ways to end the civil war in South Sudan are also scheduled. Mr Obama flew to Addis from Nairobi, where he told Kenyans there was no limit to what they could achieve, but he added warnings about the dangers of corruption and tribalism. These Kenyans were impressed.

"We have what it takes to be what we want to be, and we love him so much." "African people may not see the importance of this now, but they can see it in the future." “So all the Kenyans and all the Africans it is time to get together, all our problems that are seen and we'll solve them all from one point."

In the United States, the Democratic National Committee has demanded an apology from the Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee of the comment he's made about the recent nuclear deal with Iran. Mr. Huckabee, a former Arkansas state governor, said President Obama was marching Israelis to the door of the oven, a reference to the Nazi death camps.

A court in Egypt has halved a year-long jail term given to a female dancer convicted of inciting debauchery, after appearing in a controversial online video. Reda el-Fouly was arrested in May after the clip went viral. The video apparently thought to mock Arab pop videos in which female singers are featured in revealing costumes went viral. In it, she dances in a tight short dress and mimes to a song called Spaghetti or Let Go of My Hand.

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