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BBC NEWS 2015-07-07 美国要求瑞士引渡国际足联官员

2015-07-07 07:27来源:未知


Hello, I'm Jerry Smit with the BBC news.

Women's rights activists in Afghanistan have reacted angrily to an appeals court's decision in Afghanistan to quash death sentences imposed on four men involved in the mob-killing of the young woman Farkhunda in Kabul in March. Here's David Loyn.

"The brutal murder of Farkhunda, a devout Islamic student wrongly accused of burning a copy of the Koran, attracted worldwide attention. But now an appeal court has reversed the death sentences. The decision in a closed court hearing has led to widespread condemnation. A prominent activist W F said she was completely outraged, but not surprised. She said the whole trial had been an example of injustice, and it showed that it was not only the Taliban, but the whole Afghan system that oppressed women."

The United States has asked the Swiss authorities to extradite seven former FIFA officials arrested in May as part of an investigation into alleged corruption in world's football governing body. Among those detained was Jeffery Webb, FIFA's vice president and former CONCACAF president. This report from Imogen Foulks.

"The seven FIFA officials now have 14 days to respond, from there the Swiss will rule on whether extradition is warranted. But it's believed all seven plan to appeal, a process which could go all the way to Switzerland's Supreme Court and take months. The other option, agree to a Swiss extradition, engage of lawyer in the United States and apply for bail. The Swiss've made it clear that they consider the detained FIFA officials of flight risk and will not be granting bail."

Investigators say a Taiwanese passenger plane crashed in February after the captain mistakenly shut down its only working engine. The pilot realised his error seconds before the aircraft went down. Forty-three people died when the plane crashed shortly after takeoff from the Taiwanese capital Taipei.

Security forces in Egypt are continuing an operation against Islamic State militants in the Northern Sinai Peninsula. The army said it would not stop until it had cleared the area of what it called "terrorist concentrations". Warplanes resumed attacks late at night, following a day of intense clashes. Here's S N.

The Egyptian army has announced that it is in full control of the situation of the Northern Sinai, but many would question such a statement. The latest developments on the ground have raised concerns about the army's capability to contain the insurgency in the strategic peninsula, bordering Israel and Gaza. Many Egyptian soldiers lost their lives after IS-affiliated militants attacked a number of military positions simultaneously in the town of Sheikh Zuweid. The death toll remains controversial. While the Army says 17 soldiers were killed, other sources have spoken of at least 50 dead and many civilians, too."

News from the BBC.

Greece's Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis has welcomed the decision of the European Central Bank to keep open its line of credit to the country's banks. Mr Vourofakis said the move gave Athens breathing space as it tried to find a way out of its debt crisis. But he criticised Euro Zone finance ministers for refusing to hold further talks on a bailout until after Sunday's referendum.

The United Nations Security Council has imposed sanctions, including a travel ban and asset freeze, on six South Sudanese generals, three from the government side and three from the rebels. The move comes just days after the UN Mission in South Sudan reported on human rights abuses in a recent upsurge of fighting. A A reports.

"Among those targeted by the sanctions is the commander of President Salva Kiir's special guard, two other office generals who are leading troops in Unity state, which are seemed as some of the vast violence have also been sanctioned. Three top commanders closely allied to rival leader Riek Machar will also face the worldwide bans announced by the UN Security Council. In a statement, US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power said all those responsible for atrocities in South Sudan must be held accountable."

At least 34 people are reported to have died after a ferry overturned in rough seas in the Philippines. The coastguard says more than 100 others have been rescued, but some remain missing. There were more than 170 people on board. Ferries are a common form of transport in the Philippines.

New satellite photographs of the disputed Spratly archipelago in the South China Sea showed that China has almost finished construction of an airstrip on one of its new artificial islands. There are also helipads, radar and communication systems, and supply ships on Fiery Cross Reef. The programme has been sharply criticised by countries with rival claims to the area, as well as the United States.

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