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BBC NEWS 2015-07-04 利比里亚报道出现埃博拉新病例

2015-07-04 12:50来源:未知


Hello, I'm Neil Nunes with the BBC news.

Hours before a deadline for Greece to repay 1.6 billion euros, Prime Minister Alexi Tsipras has urged his country’s voters to back his plans to end austerity. He said

no vote in Sunday’s referendum would help negotiate a more favorable settlement to his country’s debt crisis. From Athens, Joe Lynam has this report.

"If as expected, Greece fails to make the 1.6 billion-euro payment to the IMF, it would be considered in arrears, which starts a lengthy process of recouping moneys

owed. By close a play tonight, the 120 billion-euro bailout programme which Greece agreed with its Euro Zone partners in 2011 will also expire, having been extended by

six months already. On top of that, Greece must make a payment of 3.5 billion euros to the European Central Bank in three weeks. Failure to pay that has far swifter

repercussions. The decision to walk away from negotiations means that ordinary Greeks now face limits in how much money they can withdraw from ATMs and a ban on any

payments outside the country without express permission from the Greek Central Bank.

Seven weeks after the country was declared free of the Ebola, Liberia has reported another case of the disease. The Deputy Health Minister Tolbert Nyenswah said a 17-

year-old boy has died from the disease. He said teams were investigating the victim’s movements in the days before his death.

“Even before the result came out, the body was buried safely by the deadbody management team. People need to be vigilant and take all preventive measures because one

case of Ebola is dangerous. We have said it over and over again, but there is a possibility that could be a resurgent of the virus in Liberia."

A statement apparently posted online by Islamic States says that its Sanaa division has carried out a car bomb attack in the Yemeni capital, causing many casualties.

The attack is reported to have targetted at the homes of several Houthi rebel leaders. Initial report said that about 30 people were wounded. A confirmed report

suggests many of those have died.

A US State Department spokesman has said that they had no solid evidence that Jordan and Turkey are considering setting up buffering zones within Syria. The two

countries are reported to be waiting such a move because of increasing instability. A US Department spokesman Mark Toner said these are just unconfirmed reports for


“Frankly, we don’t have any ground truth on any of these plans so far. All we’ve seen frankly are press reports. So there is really no solid evidence on which way

either Turkey or Jordan is leaning at this point. Certainly these are amazing, eh, remarkable challenges, security challenges that everyone in this region is facing

and looking at how to address them the best way possible. It’s something that these governments are considering. The area of Syria under the government control has

greatly diminished."

World news from the BBC.

A United States commander in Afghanistan has said that disillusioned Taliban fighters have established a new group allied with the Islamic State organization in Syria.

General Sean S has said the new group has been involved in serious clashes with Taliban fighters in Eastern Afghanistan. The website of the group has threatened

Taliban fighters with death if they do not join IS.

A Royal Air Force plane has brought home four British citizens seriously injured in Friday’s attack at the holiday resort of Sousse in Tunisia. Thirty-eight people

were killed and at least 30 of them are thought to have been British. The British Prime Minister David Cameron has vowed that the West will prevail in what he

described as "the generational struggle against the extremism".

A museum in Australia is returning the skull of an aboriginal man stolen from his grave more than 150 years ago. Representatives of the Wonnarua people will recive the

skull. From Sydney, here is Phil Mercer.

The skull of Jim Crow who was hung for rape in 1860 was stolen by an Australian phrenologist called Archibald Hamilton who believed a person’s character could be

determined by examining their heads. The remains of the aboriginal man became part of a travelling scientific show. When Hamilton died, his collection of human bones

was donated to a museum in Melbourne. For more than a century, they sat on a shelf until they were examined by a PhD student. She managed to identify Jim Crow’s skull

which is being returned to his descendants in the Hunter Valley near Sydney.

A bullet train Japan has had to make an emergency stop after a passenger set a fire to himself. The train is travelling from Tokyo to Osaka when smoke was detected.

Fire officers said there have been a number of other injuries. Two people are reported to have suffered heart attacks. Bullet trains travel at speeds of 320 kilometers

an hour.

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